I'm a programmer and a mechanical engineer. I write Python, Ruby, Bash, and Rust.
I really love learning new things, though, so I could probably be productive in whatever language you threw at me. I'm actively looking for my first coding job: something full-time as a junior back-end dev, SysDevOps, SRE, tooling, or documentation engineer would be my favorite.
Here are some places around the internet you can find me:
Here are some things I've done that make me feel cool:
- I've got a one-year-old daughter and she's the coolest
- The Exercism.io blog published this post I wrote about mentoring the Bash track
- I was a technical reviewer for Brian Hogan's Small, Sharp Software Tools book
- I was also a technical reviewer for his other book, Build Websites with Hugo
- I'm currently a technical reviewer for Jason C. McDonald's Dead Simple Python book