#Pushes the currently active SublimeText file to a metaweblog compatible blog
Relies on a settings file called "sublimemarkpress.sublime-settings" using the structure:
"xmlrpcurl": <URL to xml rpc endpoint>,
"username": <username>,
"password": <password>
blog tags are optional at the top of the file in the structure:
#post_id:<id of existing post - optional>
#tags:<comma delimited list of post tags - optional>
#status:<draft or publish - optional>
blog title is the first line following that section; if it starts with "#" then it's assumed to be a markdown post
If the file "markdown2.py" from the awesome repo https://github.com/trentm/python-markdown2/tree/master/lib exists, markdown is enabled
Currently, you need to copy this file into the sublimetext packages/user directory. Then on the file you wish to post press ctrl+' and type "view.run_command('publish')"
Doesn't pass the "view", so not sure how to do this correctly yet.