Link to the app (please disregard the name in the URL as I deployed the app via the terminal and Heroku generated the app name/URL on its own)
This application uses a 10 questions Firend Finder survey that each take a number value bewteen 1-5 with 1 being Strongly Disagree and 5 being Strongly agree answer for each of the 10 questions. Once the user has filled out the survey and submitted their answers, it compares their answers to users in the database and based on them will return a user that bests matches with them. It also saves every users data for future users to be matched with.
'/' provides the homepage wih a descriptions of the app and a button link to start the survey
'/survey' provides the survey page with all of the questions and form for the user to fill out an submit.
'/api/friends' provides a list of JSON objects with all of the friends in the database that you could be matched with.
*HTML *CSS *Javascript *Node.js *NPM dependency downloads *Express.js *Body-Parser.js *Bootstrap *Modals *Server Routing *HTML Routing *API Routing with JSON response *API Creation *gitignore file for GitHub file consolidation
*RJ Pupunu: All front and backend development