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Chromosome Visualization library in python.
Examples · Explore the API



🏷️Annotations on chromosomes
🧬Visualization of genome, set of chromosomes, a chromosome and an arm
🔥🗺️Visualization of heatmaps along chromosome arm
🔌Integration of custom plots e.g. made using seaborn
📈🍭Integration of basic plots e.g. stem/lollipop plot
↔️↔️Visualization of intervals/ranges/segments along a chromosome arm


pip install chrov              # with basic dependencies  

With additional dependencies as required:

pip install chrov[dev]         # for local testing

How to cite?

  1. Using BibTeX:
  title   = {chrov: Chromosome Visualization library in python},
  author  = {Dandage, Rohan},
  year    = {2023},
  url     = {},
  version = {v0.0.1},
  note    = {The URL is a DOI link to the permanent archive of the software.},
  1. DOI link: DOI, or

  2. Using citation information from CITATION.CFF file.

Future directions, for which contributions are welcome:

  • Set subplot sizes by default: automate setting off and offy.
  • Compatibility of seaborn plots with polar layout.
  • Layering the interval vizualizations on the polar layout.
  • Connection styles.
  • Other features and improvements.

Similar projects:


module chrov.viz.annot


function annot_labels

    ax_chrom: Axes,
    data: DataFrame,
    colx: str,
    chrom_y: float,
    col_label: str,
    loc: str = 'out',
    col_start: str = None,
    ax: Axes = None,
    coly: str = None,
    col_labelx: str = 'label x',
    color: str = 'darkgray',
    yoff_scales: float = None,
    off_labels_segments: float = 20,
    scale_polar: float = 1.5,
    fig: Figure = None,
    test: bool = False
) → Axes

Annot labels e.g. gene names


  • ax_chrom (plt.Axes): subplot with the chromosome plot
  • col_label (str): column with the labels
  • loc (str, optional): locations. Defaults to 'out'.
  • color (str, optional): color. Defaults to 'darkgray'.
  • yoff_scales (float, optional): y offset. Defaults to None.
  • off_labels_segments (float, optional): offset for the label segments. Defaults to 20.
  • scale_polar (float, optional): scale for the polar plot. Defaults to 1.5.
  • fig (plt.Figure, optional): figure. Defaults to None.
  • test (bool, optional): test-mode. Defaults to False.


  • plt.Axes: subplot

function show_segments

    ax: Axes,
    y: float,
    offy: float,
    kind: str = 'arrows',
    segments: dict = None,
    segments_kws: dict = {},
    offytext: float = 0.2,
    arrow_kws: dict = {'color': 'k', 'lw': 1, 'alpha': 1, 'arrowstyle': '<->'},
    test: bool = False,
) → Axes

Show segments aligned to chromosome arm.


  • ax (plt.Axes): subplot
  • data (pd.DataFrame): input data
  • size (int): size of the segments

module chrov.viz.chrom

Chromosome plots

function to_polar

    a: list,
    range1: list = None,
    range2: list = None,
    interval: int = None
) → list

To polar coordinates


  • a (list): Coordinates
  • range1 (list, optional): range1. Defaults to None.
  • range2 (list, optional): range2. Defaults to None.
  • interval (int, optional): interval size. Defaults to None.


  • ValueError: Coordinates format


  • list: rescaled coordinates

function plot_arm

    data: DataFrame,
    arc: bool = False,
    col_start: str = 'start',
    col_end: str = 'end',
    y: float = 0,
    lw: float = 10,
    ec: str = 'k',
    pi_span: float = 1,
    pi_start: int = 0,
    pi_end: int = None,
    polar_smoothness_scale: float = 1,
    kws_pre_xys: dict = None,
    figsize: list = None,
    ax: Axes = None,
    test: bool = False,
) → Axes

Plot chromosome arm.


  • data (pd.DataFrame): input table.
  • y (float, optional): y position. Defaults to 0.
  • lw (float, optional): line width. Defaults to 20.
  • ec (str, optional): edge color. Defaults to 'k'.
  • ax (plt.Axes, optional): subplot. Defaults to None.
  • test (bool, optional): test-mode. Defaults to False.


  • plt.Axes: subplot

function plot_chrom

    data: DataFrame,
    arc: bool = False,
    col_start: str = 'start',
    col_end: str = 'end',
    col_arm: str = 'arm',
    pi_span: float = 1,
    pi_start: int = 0,
    pi_end: int = None,
    ax: Axes = None,
    figsize: list = None,
) → Axes

Plot a chromosome


  • data (pd.DataFrame): cytobands
  • arc (bool, optional): arc/polar mode. Defaults to False.
  • col_start (str, optional): column with start positions. Defaults to 'start'.
  • col_end (str, optional): column with end positions. Defaults to 'end'.
  • col_arm (str, optional): column with arm names. Defaults to 'arm'.
  • pi_span (float, optional): pi span. Defaults to 1.
  • pi_start (int, optional): pi start. Defaults to 0.
  • pi_end (int, optional): pi end. Defaults to None.
  • ax (plt.Axes, optional): subplot. Defaults to None.
  • figsize (list, optional): sigure size. Defaults to None.


  • plt.Axes: subplot

function plot_chroms

    data: DataFrame,
    chromosomes: list = None,
    span_color: str = '#dcdcdc',
    span_color_alpha_scale: float = 1,
    pi_span: float = 1,
    pi_start: int = 0,
    pi_end: int = None,
    show_labels: bool = True,
    show_vline: bool = True,
    label_y: str = None,
    test: bool = False,
    ax: Axes = None,
    figsize: list = None,
    out_data: bool = False,

Plot chromosomes joined.


  • data (pd.DataFrame): cytonbands
  • arc (bool, optional): arc/polar mode. Defaults to True.
  • chromosomes (list, optional): chromosomes. Defaults to None.
  • col_start (str, optional): column with start position. Defaults to 'start'.
  • col_end (str, optional): column with end position. Defaults to 'end'.
  • col_arm (str, optional): column with chromosome arm names. Defaults to 'arm'.
  • span_color (str, optional): span color. Defaults to 'whitesmoke'.
  • span_color_alpha_scale (float, optional): span color transparency scale. Defaults to 1.
  • pi_span (float, optional): pi span. Defaults to 1.
  • pi_start (int, optional): pi start angle. Defaults to 0.
  • pi_end (int, optional): pi end angle. Defaults to None.
  • show_labels (bool, optional): show labels. Defaults to True.
  • show_vline (bool, optional): show vertical line. Defaults to True.
  • label_y (str, optional): label y. Defaults to None.
  • test (bool, optional): test-mode. Defaults to False.
  • ax (plt.Axes, optional): subplot. Defaults to None.
  • figsize (list, optional): figure size. Defaults to None.
  • out_data (bool, optional): output data. Defaults to False.

function annot_chroms

    data: DataFrame,
    chromosomes: list,
    ax_chrom: Axes = None,
    chrom_y: float = 0,
    kws_add_ax: dict = {},
    test: bool = False,
) → Axes

Add a subplot with the chromosome.


  • data (pd.DataFrame): table with cytobands
  • chromosomes (list): chromosomes
  • ax_chrom (plt.Axes, optional): subplot with chromosome plot. Defaults to None.
  • chrom_y (float, optional): chromosome y-position. Defaults to 0.
  • kws_add_ax (dict, optional): keyword parameters provided to _add_ax. Defaults to {}.
  • test (bool, optional): test mode. Defaults to False.


  • plt.Axes: subplot

module chrov.viz.figure

function plot_with_chroms

    data: DataFrame,
    cytobands: DataFrame,
    kind: str,
    colx: str,
    coly: str,
    col_label: str,
    va: str,
    col_start: str = None,
    xkind: str = 'loci',
    coffy: str = None,
    off: float = None,
    offy: float = None,
    chrom_y: float = 0,
    arc: bool = True,
    pi_span: float = 1,
    pi_start: int = 0,
    pi_end: int = None,
    fig: Figure = None,
    figsize: list = None,
    ax_data: Axes = None,
    kws_seaborn: dict = {},
    kws_annot_chroms: dict = {},
    kws_annot_labels: dict = {},
    test: bool = False
) → Figure

Plot with chromosomes.


  • data (pd.DataFrame): input table
  • cytobands (pd.DataFrame): cytobands
  • kind (str): kind of plot
  • colx (str): column with x values
  • coly (str): column with y values
  • col_label (str): column with labels
  • va (str): vertical alignment
  • col_start (str, optional): column with start positions. Defaults to None.
  • xkind (str, optional): kind of x values. Defaults to 'loci'.
  • off (float, optional): offset scale of the chromosome plot. Defaults to None.
  • offy (float, optional): offset y of the chromosome plot. Defaults to None.
  • chrom_y (float, optional): chromosome y-position. Defaults to 0.
  • arc (bool, optional): arc/polar plot or linear/rectangular one. Defaults to True.
  • pi_span (float, optional): pi span. Defaults to 1.
  • pi_start (int, optional): pi start. Defaults to 0.
  • pi_end (int, optional): pi end. Defaults to None.
  • fig (plt.Figure, optional): figure. Defaults to None.
  • figsize (list, optional): figure size. Defaults to None.
  • ax_data (plt.Axes, optional): subplot with the data plot. Defaults to None.
  • kws_seaborn (dict, optional): keyword parameters to seaborn plot. Defaults to {}.
  • kws_annot_chroms (dict, optional): keyword parameters to the chromosome plot. Defaults to {}.
  • kws_annot_labels (dict, optional): keyword parameters to the annotations of the labels. Defaults to {}.
  • test (bool, optional): test mode. Defaults to False.


  • plt.Figure: figure

module chrov.viz

module chrov.viz.plot

function plot_seaborn

    data: DataFrame,
    kind: str,
    colx: str,
    coly: str,
    range1_chroms: list,
    arc: bool = True,
    pi_span: float = 1,
    pi_start: int = 0,
    pi_end: int = None,
    figsize: list = None,
    ax: Axes = None,
    fig: Figure = None,
) → tuple

plot_seaborn summary


  • data (pd.DataFrame): input data
  • kind (str): kind of plot, seaborn function name
  • coly (str): column with y values
  • range1_chroms (list): input range of chromosomes
  • arc (bool, optional): arc/polar or linear/rectangular plots. Defaults to True.
  • pi_span (float, optional): pi span. Defaults to 1.
  • pi_start (int, optional): pi start position. Defaults to 0.
  • pi_end (int, optional): pi end position. Defaults to None.
  • figsize (list, optional): figure size. Defaults to None.
  • ax (plt.Axes, optional): subplot. Defaults to None.
  • fig (plt.Figure, optional): figure. Defaults to None.


  • tuple: subplot and data

TODOs: 1. set rlabel position.

function heatmaps_strips

    data: DataFrame,
    strips_kws: dict,
    fig: Figure = None,
    axs: list = None,
    kws_subplots: list = {}
) → tuple

Plot heatmap strips


  • data (pd.DataFrame): input data
  • strips_kws (dict): keyword arguments provided to strips
  • fig (plt.Figure, optional): figure. Defaults to None.
  • axs (list, optional): subplots. Defaults to None.
  • kws_subplots (list, optional): keyword arguments provided to subplots. Defaults to {}.


  • tuple: figure and subplots

module chrov.viz.ranges

function plot_ranges

    data: DataFrame,
    col_id: str,
    col_start: str,
    col_end: str,
    end: int,
    start: int = 0,
    hue: str = None,
    cytobands: dict = None,
    cytobands_y: float = None,
    col_groupby: str = None,
    col_label: str = None,
    colors: dict = None,
    lw: int = 10,
    zorders: dict = None,
    show_segments: bool = False,
    xtick_interval: float = None,
    test: bool = False,
    ax: Axes = None
) → Axes

Plot ranges.


  • data (pd.DataFrame): input data.
  • col_id (str): column with ids.
  • col_start (str): column with start co-ordinates.
  • col_end (str): column with end co-ordinates.
  • end (int): end position for the plot
  • start (int, optional): start position for the plot. Defaults to 0.
  • hue (str, optional): column with color. Defaults to None.
  • y (type, optional): column with y positions. Defaults to None.
  • cytobands (dict, optional): cytobands to plot the chromosomes. Defaults to None.
  • cytobands_y (float, optional): cytobands y-position. Defaults to None.
  • col_groupby (str, optional): column to group by. Defaults to None.
  • col_label (str, optional): column with labels. Defaults to None.
  • colors (dict, optional): colors. Defaults to None.
  • lw (int, optional): line width. Defaults to 10.
  • zorders (dict, optional): z-orders. Defaults to None.
  • show_segments (bool, optional): show segments. Defaults to False.
  • xtick_interval (float, optional): x tick intervals. Defaults to None.
  • test (bool, optional): test-mode. Defaults to False.
  • ax (plt.Axes, optional): subplot. Defaults to None.


  • ValueError: if kind is not 'split','separate' or 'joined'


  • plt.Axes: subplot