This is a simple expense tracker that gives users the ability to track, manage, and target their monthly expenses over the course of a full year.
Upon logging in (username: user1, password: b1234567890 - Please enable cookies!), a user has access to an inputs section, a graphs section, and a detailed section.
At the top of the page are three inputs:
1. A dropdown were users can select the month to display
2. A form for inputing new expenses
3. A form showing the selected month's budget
There are 5 main categories of expenses that are tracked:
Shopping - all descretionary spending including food, drink, clothes, and entertainment
Housing - all expenses related to housing including rent/mortgage, property taxes, furniture, services, and cleaning supplies
Transportation - all expenses related to commuting and travel including car payments/purchases, public transportation, flights and hotels
Healthcare - all expense related to health care including doctors visits, prescription and OTC drugs, first aid supplies, and insurance
Other - all other expenses including cash contributions and donations
To add a new expense, users simply enter the amount and select both the category and month from the drop down menus before clicking submit. The account summary will automatically refresh to show the new data.
There is one budget item per category per month that users can edit (each is set to 0 intially) the values for which are displayed in the form below the new expense input. To edit a budget total, a user must select the desired month from the drop down menu at the top of the page, enter the new budget figure next to the proper category, and hit submit. The account summary will automatically refresh to show the new data.
There are four total visualizations to help users track their spending:
Monthly Actuals vs. Budget - shows total actuals and budget by category for the month selected at the top of the page
Monthly Actuals By Category - a pie chart showing the breakdown of expenses by category for the month selected.
Full Year Expenses By Category - a series of charts showing expenses by category for each month of the year.
Full Year Actual vs. Budget - a chart showing total expenses vs total budget for each month of the year
The final section of the account summary shows a detailed table of actual expenses for the month selected.
To delete an actual expense users click on the delete button next to the expense they would like to remove. The table and monthly graphs will update automatically.
On the home page, new users can find a link below the login form to create a new account. A username, password, and email address are required to set up an account.
This app utilizes HTML, CSS, BootStrap, Javascript, JQuery, and Dimple.js (a D3.js framework) for the client-side features.
The server-side utilizes javascript, Node, Express, MongoDB & Mongoose, morgan, body-parser, and cors for Restful API construction. Passport, bcryptjs, jsonwebtoken are used for JWT tokenization.
For testing, chai, chai-http, faker, and mocha are used.