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Python package (indoor3d) for processing of indoors 3D. This package is built on top of the Open3D package, with the aim of making easier to perform common tasks that arise in indoor data processing.

Open3D can load .pcd or .ply files, so let's suppose your file is file.ply.

Firt let's see the data with Open3D functionalities.

>>> import open3d as o3d
>>> import numpy as np

>>> pcd_filename = "file.ply"
>>> pcd =
>>> o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd])

View of the pointcloud

It is interesting to find the planes that delimit the floor and the ceiling, in order to remove some of the noise. To do do, the function clusteringroom.get_ceiling_and_floor takes the horizontal slices with a bigger number of points.

>>> import indoor3d.clusteringroom as clusteringroom
>>> data_pcd = clusteringroom.get_ceiling_and_floor(pcd, axis = 1, step = 0.01)

The step parameter is the thickness of the slice in meters. Therefore, in this case, we are taking all the slices that are 1 centimeter wide. axis = 1 means the Y axis as the vertical axis, the axis to perform the sciling with.

The result is a named tuple with the fields list_slice_values, which are the maximum Y values of the bounding boxes of the slices, cluster_1 and cluster_2, that are the values in the two clusters that have been assigned to the ceiling or floor (not particular order at this stage), and ceiling_height and floor_height, that are the estimated values of ceiling and floor from the clusters. As we are working with the maximum values of each slice, the value for the ceiling will be less than the values in its corresponding cluster, because we have to substract the width of the slice.

>>> type(data_pcd)
>>> data_pcd._fields

Now we have the ceiling and floor heights in these variables:

>>> ceiling_pcd = data_pcd.ceiling_height
>>> floor_pcd = data_pcd.floor_height

We can call the indoor3d.pointcloid.crop function with those limits for Y, and for X and Z we could take the bounding limits of the pointcloud, not to have problems cropping too much.

>>> import indoor3d.pointcloud as pointcloud
>>> max_x, _, max_z = pcd.get_max_bound()
>>> min_x, _, min_z = pcd.get_min_bound()
>>> envolvent_points = [[min_x, floor_pcd, min_x], [min_x, floor_pcd, max_x],
[min_x, ceiling_pcd, min_x], [min_x, ceiling_pcd, max_x],
[max_x, floor_pcd, min_x], [max_x, floor_pcd, max_x],
[max_x, ceiling_pcd, min_x], [max_x, ceiling_pcd, max_x]]
>>> pcd_cropped, _ = pointcloud.crop(pcd, envolvent_points)
>>> o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd_cropped])

Pointcloud after removing some noise

It may be helpful to try to find the plane models of the main room from a pointcloud of the zones with more points stacked in the vertical, which would correspond to the walls. We divide the space into cubic voxels of edge size. In this case the edge is two centimeters. Then we count the points in each voxel and remove all the voxels below some percentile. Here, as we take a 95 percentile, we only retain the 5% more populated voxels. This could be improved, for example, taking succesive voxels till we cover a 50% (for example) of the total of points.

>>> points_in_voxels, new_pcd = pointcloud.count_points_in_voxel_in_x_and_z(pcd_cropped, edge = 0.02, percentile = 95)
>>> o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([new_pcd])

Pointcloud with only the most populated voxels

Then we look for the room plane models in the pointcloud that only contains areas with a lot of stacked points (95 percentile). As we already know the ceiling and floor heights, we pass them to the function, so it can compute the planes from those values. The parameter is y_ceiling_floor = (ceiling_pcd, floor_pcd). The plane models are computed with a tolerance of 5 centimeters, which means that points at a distance less than 5 centimeters are supposed to be in the plane model.

>>> import indoor3d.findroom as findroom
>>> _, _, _, plane_models = findroom.find_room_in_hololens_pointcloud(new_pcd, y_ceiling_floor = (ceiling_pcd, floor_pcd), distance_threshold = 0.05)

And then we use that information for finding the right inside_room pointcloud, as well as raw_limits_room, limits_room and plane_models. The plane_thickness to extract the raw_limits_room is counted twice, one for each side of the plane, so the real thickness is twice the parameter value.

>>> inside_room, raw_limits_room, limits_room, plane_models = findroom.find_room_in_hololens_pointcloud(pcd_cropped, given_planes = plane_models, plane_thickness = 0.025)

We now have the inside of the room, that it is our main area of interest:

>>> o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([inside_room])

Inside of the main room

We could also be interested in the plane models of the limits of the room. The walls are parallel in this way: wall_1_1 is parallel to wall_1_2 and wall_2_1 is parallel to wall_2_2.

>>> plane_models
{'ceiling': PlaneIndoor(A=0,B=1,C=0,D=-1.6500000000000001),
 'floor': PlaneIndoor(A=0,B=1,C=0,D=1.58),
 'wall_1_1': PlaneIndoor(A=0.9193654417039261,B=-0.0003007234883748154,C=-0.3934044917968385,D=-2.3722421485747436),
 'wall_1_2': PlaneIndoor(A=0.9196322194811005,B=-0.004112564704252882,C=-0.39275904534945905,D=4.606395688156964),
 'wall_2_1': PlaneIndoor(A=0.39080894794977217,B=-0.00022279017158160784,C=0.9204717902070285,D=12.230166918437128),
 'wall_2_2': PlaneIndoor(A=0.3971059014216207,B=0.006871868354826012,C=0.9177470678141315,D=5.272589200451403)}

Let find the clusters inside the room.

>>> list_clusters = clusteringroom.clustering_pcd_return_pcd_clusters(inside_room, eps = 0.05, min_points = 100)
>>> o3d.visualization.draw_geometries(list_clusters)

Clustering of the room

We can also get some idea about the boundaries of the clusters:

>>> list_clusters_painted = clusteringroom.paint_list_of_clusters(list_clusters)
>>> o3d.visualization.draw_geometries(list_clusters_painted)

Clustering of the room

Creating Sphinx documentation

First of all, you have to install sphinx.

pip3 install sphinx

To create the documentation, got to the directory with the index.rst and and there just type

make html

and you will find the file index.html in the directory _build/html.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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