This is the "Popular Movies" application that has been created in order to meet the requirements for the Udacity - Android Developer Certification course. As of 6/12/17, the codebase reflects the functionality which meet the requirements for both Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the project.
The app makes calls to the MovieDB API in order to retrieve all Movie-related information -
The current functionality of the application is as follows:
- Upon launch, display a grid arrangement of movie posters
- Allow users to change the sort order of the movies via setting (either Most Popular or Top Rated)
- Allow user to tap on a specific movie poster, which will transition to a details screen that displays some extra details about the movie
- Allow users to view and play trailers (via Youtube)
- Allow users to read reviews of selected movies
- Allow users to maintain a custom list of Favorite movies
- Optimized for tablet support (7" screens)
Features of this application:
- Demonstrate the use of AsyncTasks and AsyncLoaders to run specific functionality off the main UI thread
- Handling intents (implicit and explicit) - activity transition, calling another app (i.e. youtube)
- Various kinds of Viewgroups and layouts used
- Usage of RecyclerViews to demonstrate loading of data into proper UI components efficiently
- Network calls and JSON parsing
- Using Picasso framework to load and display images from URLs
- Data persistence using SQLite DB
- Handling configuration changes
- Creating layouts to optimize for Tablet users
Note: Once the repo is cloned/downloaded, you must provide the API key in order to have the application function properly. In order to generate an API key, please see the "How do I apply for an API key" section here:
Once an API key has been obtained, place it into the strings.xml file (string name = "API_key"), which is found under the res/values directory. Please click here to see the file.