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An attempt to port the Ruby MUD server TeensyMUD to Ruby 1.9 compatibility


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= TeensyMUD Server
= v2.9.0

== Introduction
TeensyMUD is a very simple mud server written in Ruby.  It uses a multiplexed single-threaded network driver using Acceptor/Reactor and Observer patterns and YAML formatted text files as a database.  It is also a pure event driven system where all game objects communicate with each other via events.  

This server was initially created in response to an Aprils Fool's joke posted by Erwin Andreasen on TheMudConnector forum announcing a 1K mud contest.  Those obfuscated versions can be found in the repository.

== Download
The latest release can be found at

== System Dependencies
=== Required
[Ruby 1.8.4] Can be obtained at the home of Ruby,  It runs on most platforms.
[Log4r] All logging done through this now. Install from Ruby Gems, or 

=== Optional
[RubyGems] To install rake and various things.  See -
[Rake] To build documentation, run tests, etc.  See -
[Racc] To rebuild FARTS or BoolExp parser.  Ruby comes with Racc runtime so this is not needed for execution. See -
[FlexMock] To run regression tests.  See -
[Curses] To run tclient in curses mode under windows.  The Windows one-click installer may be missing the pdcurses.dll, or if you built it yourself from source the extension probably wasn't built.  You can get binaries for it at  The pdcurses.dll should be placed in your ruby\bin directory and not your windows directories.   See for the sources.

== Features
* Multiplexed single-threaded network driver using Acceptor/Reactor and Observer patterns
* Correct standard TELNET protocol implementation
* Supports TELNET NAWS, TTYPE, ECHO, SGA, and BINARY options
* VT-52/100/102/220 support
* Partial Xterm support
* ZMP protocol support
* Client detection (15+ clients tested so far)
* Includes TeensyClient an vt-xxx/xterm capable client for testing.
* Fully persistent virtual world
* DBM, GDBM, SDBM, SQLite2, SQLite3 and YAML supported database back ends
* Includes database load and dump utilities
* Configurable object caching support for disk-based databases
* Automatic persistent properties for objects. 
* Object ownership 
* Event-driven system with first class game objects communicating via events
* Supports room-based system currently with unlimited exits
* Command based online creation
* Offline creation in YAML 
* Color and VT-100 highlighting support for builders using TML
* Dynamic layered command interface 
* Currently supports chat, say and emote communication commands
* Currently supports player movement, inventory, get and drop commands
* Autolook and autoexits 
* Turn based combat featuring link death and link suicide ;-)
* Help system 
* Password encryption
* Runtime extensible commands.  Add new commands without rebooting.
* Trigger script programming using Boolean expressions (ala Tiny*) and FARTS language
* AOP-like cuts for PRE and POST event trigger processing
* Supports multiple persistent and variable timers
* Regression test suite included
* Customizable class level logging support
* Global configuration file support
* API documentation included (see 'doc/index.html')
* Support forum and wiki
* Portable - runs on Unix, OS/X, Windows
* Liberal license

== Installation

1. $ tar xzvf tmud*
2. $ cd tmud*
3. $ ruby tmud.rb

That's it.  It will boot on port 4000 and build an initial database in the db directory. 

See config.yaml file for more configuration information.  Documentation inside.

There is a sample database, db/testworld.yaml that illustrates the use of triggers.  The admin account is 'Wizard' and the password is 'potrzebie'.

To start using the sample database either specify it in the config file or on the command line:

1. $ ruby tmud.rb -db/testworld

Have Fun.

== Operation
* CTL-C  - Will shut down the server
* quit   - Will disconnect your session
* help   - Prints a brief description of the commands

== Help 
- look       - displays the contents of a room
- chat       - sends <message> to all characters in the game
- emote | !  - displays <message> to all characters in the room
- quit       - quits the game (saves character)
- help | ?   - displays help
- get        - gets all objects in the room into your inventory
- examine    - displays the contents of a room
- say | "    - sends <message> to all characters in the room
- go | <ex>  - go through the exit specified (ex. go west)
- inventory  - displays chracter inventory
- drop       - drops all objects in your inventory into the room
- kill       - attempts to kill character (e.g. kill Bubba)
- hello      - the hello social
- who        - shows a list of all connected characters

- @echoat    - echos input to location
- @object    - creates a new object (ex. @object rose)
- @reload    - reloads the command table
- @room      - creates a new room and autolinks the exits using the exit names provided.
                 (ex. @room My Room north south)
- @set       - sets the description or timer for an object
                @set desc #<oid><description>
                @set timer #<oid> <on|off>
                (ex. @set desc #1 A beautiful rose.)
- @stats     - displays a statistical report of the database and cache if present
- @color     - toggles colors on or off
- @status    - displays session information
- @memstats  - displays the memory statistics by scanning ruby's object space
- @dumpcache - inspects the cache (for debugging).
- @shutdown  - shuts down the server
- @trigger   - adds, deletes or shows triggers on an object
               @trigger add #<oid> #<scriptid> <eventtype>
               @trigger del #<oid> <eventtype>
               @trigger show #<oid>
               (ex. @trigger add #1 #5 arrive)
- @script    - adds, deletes or shows a script
               @script add <lang> <progname>|<code>
               @script del #<scriptid>
               @script show #<scriptid>
               (ex. @script add fart myprog
                    @script add boolexp (#234|#42)&#34 )
- @edit      - Edits a string field on an object or system message.
               @edit sysmsg <name>
               @edit #<oid> <field>
               (ex. @edit #7 desc)
- @gc        - runs garbage collection
- @show      - Displays object
               @show #<oid>|me
               (ex. @show me)

== Contributors

== License


An attempt to port the Ruby MUD server TeensyMUD to Ruby 1.9 compatibility







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