A collection of authentication libraries for PHP. For now it only includes a JWT library.
Composer install :
"repositories": [
"url": "https://github.com/rsgcata/auth.git",
"type": "git"
"require": {
"rsgcata/auth": "~1.0"
Usage :
use rsgcata\auth\jwt;
use rsgcata\auth\jwt\algorithm\HS256Cryptography;
// Set the cryptographic algorithm to be used. You can find more algorithms in the
// rsgcata\auth\jwt\algorithm namespace. You can also add more algorithms there if you want,
// or build your own algorithm classes by extending the base AbstractCryptography class
$algo = new HS256Cryptography('aKey');
$header = [
'alg' => HS256Cryptography::JWT_ALGORITHM,
'typ' => 'jwt'
$claims = [
'usr' => 'test',
'msg' => 'amsg',
'nbf' => time() - 10, // Not before. Token should not be used before timestamp.
// Check Jwt::CLOCK_SKEW. Adjust it as you want
'iat' => time() - 10, // When the token was issued. Same as nbf.
// Check Jwt::CLOCK_SKEW. Adjust it as you want
'exp' => time() + 30 // When the token expires. It should not be used after this timestamp
// Check Jwt::CLOCK_SKEW. Adjust it as you want
try {
// Build a new Jwt instance with the given new claims
$jwtWithNewClaims = Jwt::buildWithNewClaims($header, $claims, $algo);
// Fetch the generated url safe token string ready for authentication
$tokenString = $jwtWithNewClaims->getJwtAuthReadyString();
// Build a new Jwt instance from an existing token string
$jwtFromClaims = Jwt::buildFromClaims($tokenString);
// Access the token header and claims
$tokenHeader = $jwtFromClaims->getHeader();
$tokenClaims = $jwtFromClaims->getClaims();
// Verify that the jwt claims built from a string are authentic by passing an array of allowed
// algorithms to be used. You can use any number of algorithms
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
// Do something with the thrown exception
throw $ex;