It's a JavaEE Application
Using Lucene 7.1 to design a simple search engine over Granada University's web pages.
- In Information Recovery subject of the last course of Computer Science Engineering degree, I got to design a search engine using Lucene 7.1 as the core of the egine.
- Study the purpose of the engine.
- Study the querys's types, content and natural.
- Make a basic design to start improving it by each step I work on.
- Design the Indexer class.
- Test the Indexer class with examples, using Tika software:
- The main index desing and implementation.
- The facets index design and implementation.
- Design and implement the "Searcher"
- Test the searcher.
- Improve the searcher by adding more query's types results's filters.
- Design the user interface, using JavaEE and Tomcat server.
- In src directory, you can find the application main code files " the hole aplication without the interface code files ".
- In web directory, you can find the total files, related to the user interface and the server configuration.
- In Problems_Solutions and References, you can find the coding problems and bugs I faced during the implementation of the application with the solutions "how I resolved the bugs".