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logsna is a small Python library that provides a sane log output format.
$ [sudo] pip install logsna
Or the bleeding edge version from the git master branch:
$ [sudo] pip install git+https://github.com/rspivak/logsna.git#egg=logsna
logsna provides a custom formatter class logsna.Formatter that can be used in a logging config file:
# sanefmt.py import logging import logging.config from StringIO import StringIO CONFIG = """\ [loggers] keys=root [handlers] keys=console [handler_console] class=logging.StreamHandler args=(sys.stderr,) formatter=sane [formatters] keys=sane [logger_root] level=DEBUG handlers=console # Our custom formatter class [formatter_sane] class=logsna.Formatter """ config = StringIO(CONFIG) logging.config.fileConfig(config) log = logging.getLogger('mylogger.component1') log.debug('debug message') log.info('info message') log.warning('warning message') log.critical('critical message') try: 1 / 0 except: log.exception('Houston we have a problem')
This is how to use it in code directly:
import logging import logsna # create logger log = logging.getLogger('mylogger.component1') log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create console handler and set level to debug ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create an instance of the sane formatter formatter = logsna.Formatter() # add our formatter to the console handler ch.setFormatter(formatter) # add the console handler to the logger log.addHandler(ch) log.debug('debug message') log.info('info message') log.warning('warning message') log.critical('critical message') try: 1 / 0 except: log.exception('Houston we have a problem')
Here is an output from the above program:
DEBUG [2012-05-21 01:59:23,686] mylogger.component1: debug message INFO [2012-05-21 01:59:23,686] mylogger.component1: info message WARNING [2012-05-21 01:59:23,686] mylogger.component1: warning message CRITICAL [2012-05-21 01:59:23,686] mylogger.component1: critical message ERROR [2012-05-21 01:59:23,686] mylogger.component1: Houston we have a problem ! Traceback (most recent call last): ! File "/home/alienoid/python/sanefmt.py", line 67, in <module> ! 1 / 0 ! ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
- To be human readable as much as possible
- Make it easy to use with standard Unix utilities tail and grep to help quickly figure out why things are going south
All timestamps are in ISO8601 and UTC format
To grep for messages of a specific level
$ tail -f sanefmt.log | grep '^INFO'
To grep for messages from a particular logger
$ tail -f sanefmt.log | grep 'component1:'
To pull out full exception tracebacks with a corresponding log message
$ tail -f sanefmt.log | grep -B 1 '^\!'
The output of the above command will look like this
ERROR [2012-05-21 01:59:23,686] mylogger.component1: Houston we have a problem ! Traceback (most recent call last): ! File "fmttest.py", line 72, in <module> ! 1 / 0 ! ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
Here is the format string used by Logsna formatter:
'%(levelname)-8s [%(asctime)s] %(name)s: %(message)s'
You can explicitly specify it in your configuration file using format directive
# Our custom formatter class [formatter_sane] format=%(levelname)-8s [%(asctime)s] %(name)s: %(message)s class=logsna.Formatter
And you can also enhance the format string by adding your custom attributes to it if you need to. For a set of predefined log record attributes see here
Copyright (c) 2012 Ruslan Spivak
Published under The MIT License, see LICENSE