a discord bot to display the current reccomended gas amount for ethereum, binance smart chain, or polygon transactions
Self hosting allows you to update the price in the bot name rather than the activity on the public versions.
Download the latest binary from the release page.
Or build from source:
git clone https://github.com/rssnyder/discord-crypto-gas-price.git
cd discord-crypto-gas-price
go build -o discord-crypto-gas-price
Create a bot in the discord dev portal, and grab the token. When you add it to your server, be sure to give it "Change Nickname" permissions.
Run the bot with the nessesary settings:
-frequency int
seconds between gas price cycles (default 5)
-network string
ethereum, binance-smart-chain, or polygon
wether to set nickname of bot
-token string
discord bot token
./discord-crypto-gas-price network 'ethereum' -token 'xxxxxxxxxxx' -setNickname
You can also use the template discord-crypto-gas-price.service
file to install it as a systemd service.
Fill in your discord bot token in the file, and add any extra arguments you need.
cp discord-crypto-gas-price.service /etc/systemd/system/
mkdir -p /etc/discord-crypto-gas-price
cp discord-crypto-gas-price /etc/discord-crypto-gas-price/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start discord-crypto-gas-price.service