Set up config: (see *)
cp config/oauth.defaults.rb config/oauth.rb
vim config/oauth.rb
Do the Bundler dance:
rvm --rvmrc --create 1.9.2@nakedpaper
bundle install
If the GReader gem is actively being developed alongside this,
add the GReader gem somewhere in vendor/
ln -s ~/Projects/greader vendor/gems/greader
rake start # or `rackup`, `thin start`, `ruby init.rb`, etc
rake test
Use it as any other Rack up in Passenger/Thin/Unicorn/etc.
It's recommended that you do your Heroku stuff on a new branch because we'll need to make some new files:
git checkout -b heroku
It's better to use Heroku env vars to configure OAuth, instead of
which you can't commit to the repo:
heroku config:add
heroku config:add OAUTH_SECRET=abc123
You will also need to "freeze" assets by pre-converting Sass and Coffee files into .js and .css:
rake freeze
# Assuming you're in the `heroku` branch:
git add .
git commit -m "Update assets."
# If you need to get new updates:
git pull --rebase . master
# Deploy
git push heroku heroku:master