This module manages lxc containers. It facilitaties the creation and destruction of containers and system services to start and stop them. This module also manages a virtual ethernet bridge and network masquerading to allow the containers to connect to the world.
Currently this module support creating Arch Linux containers on an Arch Linux host and Debian Squeeze and Wheezy containers on an Arch Linux, Debian Squeeze or Debian Wheezy host. It was designed to be easily extendible.
The network bridge facilitated by this module currently only supports NAT. The default settings for the network bridge create a network where the 'router' (the host) has address
Apache License, Version 2.0
To create a new Arch Linux instance using all the default settings and an IP address of, a sample would be:
# class to setup a new Arch Linux container class myarchcontainer { lxc::container::archlinux { 'myarchcontainer': ensure => running, ipaddress => '', } }
Ingmar Steen GitHub:
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