A simple widget to show the IPs of your VPN interface and your target machine (if is set) in the awesomewm window manager wibar while you are playing in hack the box (hackthebox.com).
It's also a good widget to see the IP of your VPN interface (and) if the interface is up.
(If the VPN interface is down the widget is not shown)
Clone the repo under your widgets folder:
- If you are using a custom theme: ~/.config/awesome/widgets/
- If you are using a default theme: /usr/share/awesome/lib/ (requires root privileges)
Edit awesome-htb-widget/ip.lua file and set your interface name
local interface = "tun0" --Change tun0 for your interface name
Edit your lua.rc file and add the following
- If you are using a custom theme: ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua
- If you are using a default theme: /etc/xdg/awesome/lua.rc (requires root privileges)
local htb_widget = require("widgets.awesome-htb-widget.htb")
s.mytasklist, -- Middle widget
{ -- Right widgets
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
Add the following alias to your shell (.bashrc, .zshrc, etc):
function target() {
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] then
rm -rf /tmp/target
echo $1 > /tmp/target
Log off and log in or read and execute your shell with the source command to get the new alias working:
$ source ~/.bashrc # or .zshrc, etc
Restart awesome ;)
- Setting a target (execute target passing as parameter the ip of the target machine)
$ target
- Unsetting a target (execute target without paramters)
$ target
In case of any problem create an issue
If you want ask (or answer) a question, leave an opinion or have a open-ended conversation you can create (or join) a discussion
If you find this widget useful you can star this repo.