Container image for reproducible C++ builds targeting local and CI usage.
# Bootstrap
podman run --interactive --tty --detach \
--env "TERM=xterm-256color" `# colored terminal` \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target="$(pwd)" `# mount your repo` \
--name cpp \
--userns keep-id `# keeps your non-root username` \
--workdir "$HOME" `# podman sets homedir to the workdir for some reason` \ `# note: always pin here exact tag!`
podman exec --user root cpp bash -c "chown $(id --user):$(id --group) $HOME"
# Execute single command
podman exec --workdir "$(pwd)" cpp bash -c 'your_command'
# Attach to container
podman exec --workdir "$(pwd)" --interactive --tty cpp bash
Requirements: podman >= 3.4.4
, GNU Make >= 4.3
make check
make clean