- GO >= 1.20
- v1.25.0
go get
import (
// Add this code to your project first running
// host for otel-collecter GRPC Ex: "localhost:30080"
// serviceName Ex: "name_service"
// environment Ex: "DEV"
// Or
// Environment Ex: set with prefix "local"
// if your local there is no otel-collector daemon running
otools.InitMetrics(host, serviceName, environment)
// Histogram
hg := otools.HistogramMetric("company.CreatePickup", "create pickup histogram", "ms")
hg.Record(ctx, value, attribute.String("metricType", "error"), attribute.String("url", "v1/ship/company/notify/{shipID}"))
// Counter
attrs := []attribute.KeyValue{attribute.String("metricType", "success"), attribute.String("value", "true")}
ct := otools.CounterMetric("total.running.counter.goroutine", "untuk tau jumlah go routine", "1")
ct.Add(inCtx, 1, attrs...)
// Don't forget to execute this in graceful shutdown mode
import ""
// Add this code to your project first running
// host for otel-collecter GRPC Ex: "localhost:30080"
// serviceName Ex: "name_service"
// environment Ex: "DEV"
// Or
// Environment Ex: set with prefix "local"
// if your local there is no otel-collector daemon running
otools.InitTracer(host, serviceName, environment)
// put this code in top of your function
tt := otools.StartTrace(ctx, "operationName")
ctx = tt.Context()
defer tt.Finish(map[string]interface{}{
"req": "...",
"resp": "...",
"...": any,
// passing context without get response `context canceled`
go func() {
ti := otools.StartTracerWithContextBackground(ctx, "operationName inner goroutine")
inCtx := ti.Context() // inCtx not inherit deadline from ctx anymore
defer ti.Finish(map[string]interface{}{
"req": "...",
"resp": "...",
"...": any,
// Don't forget to execute this in graceful shutdown mode
import ""
// Init on first run app
// Use context from ctx = tt.Context()
// Generate by Tracer
olog.E(ctx, any)
olog.I(ctx, any)
import ""
res, err := outils.HTTPRequestJSON(&outils.HttpRequestParams{
Context: context,
Method: "GET",
URL: "",
Header: map[string]string{},
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,