impage - image browser using html
Impage creates webpage interlinked to in-place images to allow browsing them together. Input is either the CSV file, or directories with images.
CSV file expects fields: path, cluster, dist, pdist and bad form the imclust tool.
For relative paths, the output location is current directory, for absolute paths it is the /tmp/impage... directory. If at least one path is absolute, the rest is converted to absolute.
-h This help.
-v More verbose.
-r ROOT Root directory, needed if relative path in CSV requires it.
-s/-m Singlepage/multipage output.
-t Use thumbnails (to speedup remote access).
-tt Also reference thumbnails when clicking on image (not orig).
-tpng Make png thumbnails.
-topq Make opaque thumbnails, ignore alpha channel.
-tcp Copy orig images as a thumbnails.
-q=NUM Quality for jpeg compression of thumbnails (dflt. 75).
-g=GEOM Geometry of thumbnails (aka 128, x196, 640x480).
-gmax Don't limit the size of images displayed.
-rl/-rr Rotate images left/right, when making thumbnails.
To browse two directories (of any depth) of images:
impage directory1 directory2
firefox /tmp/impage/index.html
To browse clustered images:
imclust -csv -c 20 directory1 directory2
impage clust.csv
firefox /tmp/impage/clust/index.html
To browse remotely use impage -t to speedup the transfer.
On the local site, if ssh tunel is necessary, create it:
ssh -L 9000:localhost:9000 REMOTE_IP -p REMOTE_SSH_PORT
Where the REMOTE_IP is IP of remote host (aka
accesible through ssh using the REMOTE_SSH_PORT port.
Then, on the remote site:
imclust -csv -c 20 directory1 directory2
impage -t clust.csv
twistd -n web -l /dev/null -p tcp:9000 --path /
This setup exposes everything on disk visible to you, to
allow you to see images located anywhere on disk. If you
don't want this, use only relative paths in the impage and
expose only a selected directory (example below). Then use
the browser on the local site:
firefox localhost:9000/tmp/impage/clust
To browse remotely from self-contained directory: on the
remote site, copy images to the target directory:
cp -a /absolutepath/directory1 /tmp/impage/img
Then cluster it and impage using only relative paths:
cd /tmp/impage
imclust -csv -c 20 img
impage -t clust.csv
Then expose only the target directory:
twistd -n web -l /dev/null -p tcp:9000 --path /tmp/impage
or busybox httpd -f -p 9000 -h /tmp/impage
And browse:
firefox localhost:9000/clust
parallel and ImageMagick to create thumbnails (with -t)
impage-0.3 R.Jaksa 2021 GPLv3