llast - list last modified files
llast [OPTIONS] FILE|DIR ...
List files and symlinks with the ISO 8601 timestamp in the order of the last modification (last=first). It is ls-wrapper preserving the coloring of filenames. For Linux and Mac.
-h This help.
-v Verbose execution using STDERR.
-l Long output (now alias for -sm)
-8 Print only the first 8 files.
-nc No-colors output.
-md5 Include md5 column.
-lo Look into locate database.
By default, recursive list of files and symlinks is provided. Symlinks
are not followed. Paths searched by -p or -re might start with the "./",
depending on the requested starting FILE/DIR. Default start dir is ".".
-d Print directories too.
-f Files only (no symlinks).
-n PAT Filename glob pattern (e.g. *.c), more -n are or-combined.
-p PAT Path glob pattern. The -n and -p are and-combined.
-re PAT Path regex pattern.
-np PAT Skip directory-path.
-nre PAT Skip regex directory-paths.
-i Case insensitiveness for regex and glob.
-nr No recursion (same as -r1)
-r2 Max recursion 2 (-r0 means not even this directory).
-r2-3 Recursion from level 2 to 3.
-r=2 Only level 2 paths.
Sub-second precision of time is used for the ordering of files,
unless the -min switch is used, but only the minutes precision
is printed by default.
-min Use only minutes precision (skip seconds).
-sec Print seconds too.
-sub Print sub-seconds.
-epoch Print UNIX epoch time.
-nt Don't print time.
Output filesize delimiters are: k for kilo or kibi, M for mega
or mebi, G for giga or gibi.
-s Print file-size.
-sk Print file-size in kibibytes (KiB).
-sm In mebibytes (MiB).
-sg In gibibytes (GiB).
-met Metric output (1000-based MB, not 1024-based MiB).
-sK Metric output (also -sM -sG).
-sk0 Integer output, no decimals (also -sm0 -sg0 -sK0 -sM0 -sG0).
By default, newest items are listed first. Multiple sorting criteria
can be used, they are combined according to the rank.
+t Time order (default).
+s Size order.
+a Alphabetical order.
To install copy the llast and ll into your /bin directory.
llast.0.2 (c) R.Jaksa 2018 GPLv3