Danio is a .NET library to parse command line arguments implemented with the same design as gflags for C++.
You simply need to define your command line arguments (flags) as static fields in the classes where they are actually used in. Add the Attribute [Arg("My flag help.")] to the field in question and it is automatically parsed and assigned when the application starts.
namespace Ruibm.Danio.ExampleWithNugetPackage
using System;
using Ruibm.Danio;
class Program
[Arg("Just a string.", IsMandatory=true)]
public static string MyStringArg = "My lovely default value";
[Arg("An int.", AllowedValues = new object[] { 10, 12, 21 })]
private static int MyPrivateIntArg = 10;
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("[{0}]=[{1}]", "MyStringArg", MyStringArg);
Console.WriteLine("[{0}]=[{1}]", "MyPrivateIntArg", MyPrivateIntArg);
Console.WriteLine("Press Return to continue.");
For an example on how to use Danio please take a look at the Example1 project contained in this codebase. https://github.com/ruibm/Danio/blob/master/Danio/Example1/Program.cs https://github.com/ruibm/Danio/blob/master/Danio/ExampleWithNugetPackage/Program.cs
Danio is the genus of a variety of fish such as the Zebra Fish. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danio
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Source Code: https://github.com/ruibm/Danio Nuget Package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Ruibm.Danio