Openswan is a software based IPSEC VPN.
Openswan-VPC adds a init.d style start/stop script for connecting Openswan to an AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) using the VPN gateway.
The first step is to create a VPC for Openswan-VPC to connect to.
Use the EC2 console to create a new Elastic IP. This will be need during the Customer Gateway setup.
Launch a new VPC using the wizard called "VPC with a Private Subnet Only and Hardware VPN Access". Use the Elastic IP as the Customer Gateway IP and select dynamic (BGP) routing.
Launch an Amazon Linux instance in this VPC so you have host you can ping.
Download VPN setup file in Generic format
Configure the default security group to allow IPSEC (UDP/500) and BGP (TPC/179) inbound connections for both the Virtual Private Gateway outside IP addresses.
Replace the following variables in the User Data below with the values in the VPN setup file
Now you will create an EC2 instance to ask the Customer Gateway and install Openswan on this instance.
Launch a new Amazon Linux instance from the EC2 console where you created the Elastic IP in the previous step. Edit the advanced options and put in the User Data. Select default security group and uncheck the box "auto assign public IP" since you will be using the Elastic IP as the public IP.
Configure the default security group to allow inbound connections to UPD/500 and TCP/179 from the Outside IP Addresses of the Virtual Private Gateway. These values are available in the VPN configuration file.
After the instance launches copy the Openswan-VPC vpn-gateway file to /etc/init.d and configure it to start on bootup.
sudo chkconfig --add vpn-gateway
Install the openswan software
sudo yum install openswan quagga
Associate the Elastic IP with the instance and then reboot the instance.
The Openswan configuration uses an network namespace to isolate Openswan configuration from the default network settings. To test, do the following.
ssh to Linux instance running Openswan
change to root and start a bash shell inside the openswan network namespace
sudo su alias ox='ip netns exec openswan' ox bash
check that you are receiving routes for your VPC
route -n
ping your Linux instance inside the VPC
ping <Linux instance inside VPC>