A mini (Subset of) C compiler written in C#, just for fun (and learning purposes)
Based on this blog series by Nora Sandler: Write a Compiler
Successfully passes all test cases (including some additional) provided by the same Author.
- int Datatype
- Unary Operators ('-', '~', '!')
- Binary Operators ('+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '<', '>', '&', '|', '^', "&&", "||", "==", "!=", "<=", ">=", "<<", ">>")
- Local and Global variables (only of type int)
- Conditionals (if/else, Ternary "?:")
- Compound Statements / Code Blocks / Scopes
- Loops (for, do, while)
- Function Declaration, Definition and Calling (returning int value, optional arguments)
Optionally from Part5:
- Compound Assignment Operators ("+=", "-=", "/=", "*=", "%=", "<<=", ">>=", "&=", "|=", "^=")
- Comma Operator (e1, e2)
- Increment/Decrement Operators (Prefix and postfix ++, Prefix and postfix --)
Optimizations (Constant folding, Constant propagation, Dead code elimination, etc.)
- Compiles source into x86_64 or Arm64 assembly (depends on OS arch)
- Generated *.s files get assembled using gcc
- There is an option to interpret a source file (for supported subset)
- Running Tests removes output files
- Uses Calling Conventions for x86_64 (System V ABI for Linux 64-Bit and others, or MS x64 ABI for Windows 64-Bit) and Calling Conventions for Arm64
- Windows 10 64-Bit (Visual Studio 2022, .Net 6.0, gcc installed via cygwin 3.3.5)
- Debian 11 (Bullseye) via WSL (.Net 6.0, gcc 10.2.1)
- Raspberry Pi OS 64 Bit (Debian 11 Bullseye) on Raspberry Pi 3B+ (.Net 6.0, gcc 10.2.1)
- Bytecode Backend