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This project has been deprecated in favor of Ember Gestures, which offers a better solution for fastclick via touch-action (and touch-action polyfill), much faster eventing, and a better ability to keep in step with both HammerJS (also maintained by this addon's author) and Ember.


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Ember addon for touch and gesture support in ember based mobile apps and websites.


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npm install ember-mobiletouch

ember g ember-mobiletouch

(or, as of recent changes)

ember install:addon ember-mobiletouch

##What's Included

This addon installs HammerJS 2.0.4 and wires it into your app as a global (Hammer).

It then sets up a single Hammer instance to manage gestures, and pushes the gestures received through Ember's eventing system. For a full feature list and configuration, continue reading.


  gestureAllow : [],
  gestureExclude : [],
  tap : function (e) {
    ;//do something!



Optionally specify jQuery selectors for children of the View that can trigger the defined gestures.


Optionally specify child elements of the View which should never trigger the defined gestures.

gestureAllow and gestureExclude can be used in tandem and will never filter the View itself filters are not applied to non-gestures (e.g. events defined in

###Action helper

This triggers myAction on tap

<div {{action "myAction"}}></div>

This triggers myAction on press

<div {{action "myAction" on="press"}}></div>

###Link-to helper

Links trigger on tap.

{{#link-to 'dashboard'}}Dashboard{{/link-to}}

But this would trigger on press

{{#link-to 'dashboard' eventName="press"}}Dashboard{{/link-to}}

And this would trigger on swipeRight

{{#link-to 'dashboard' eventName="swipeRight"}}Dashboard{{/link-to}}

##Mobile FastFocus

text/password and similar input types on Mobile and Cordova are focused on tap, press. Focus's dependency on click and the keyboard opening on mobile devices otherwise leads to the focus getting lost.

##Mobile Keyboard based submit

On mobile / cordova, the iOS keyboard triggers a 'click' on a form's submit input/button. ember-mobiletouch captures this click, and triggers a submit event, allowing action handlers to work.

##Custom Recognizers

You can define custom recognizers by adding them in app/recognizers.js. (See the example)[].

For instance, to add a doubleTap gesture.

export default function () {

  //the DOM event will be all lowercase (doubletap)
  //the Ember event will be camelCase (doubleTap)
  //the key in this.Recognizers will be SnakeCase (DoubleTap)


    name : 'doubleTap', //always camelCase this

    gesture : 'tap', //the base Hammer recognizer to use

    tune : { //the settings to pass to the recognizer, event will be added automatically
      taps : 2

    'with' : ['tap'], //an array of recognizers to recognize with.

    without : [] //an array of recognizers that must first fail


Be forewarned, this example implementation will still also trigger two taps along with the doubleTap.

##Vertical Swipe/Pan without breaking scroll

ember-mobileTouch now comes with two mixins you can use to add localized hammer instances when you need to add vertical swipe / pan functionality without breaking the ability to scroll on mobile devices.

import VerticalPanMixin from "ember-mobiletouch/mixins/vertical-pan"; import VerticalSwipeMixin from "ember-mobiletouch/mixins/vertical-swipe";

These mixins can be used together. The default recognizer configuration for both is

  direction : Hammer.DIRECTION_VERTICAL

You can adjust the recognizer configuration by setting the panConfiguration and swipeConfiguration properties respectively.


The following settings can be configured in config/environment.js. They are shown below with their defaults. You can read more by reading the documentation comments in addon/default-config.js

The default configuration can be examined here:

ENV.mobileTouch = {

    //which gesture families to allow, will create a recognizer for each
    //a minimum of tap must be present, turning off unused gestures can help performance
    use : ['tap', 'press', 'pan', 'swipe'],

    //whether to alias "press" to tap within Ember's eventing
    // very useful if you don't need to distinguish and don't want to lose
    // taps from people who tap longer
    alwaysTapOnPress : false,
    //whether links and actions should trigger tap behavior on press as well
    // if eventName or "on" has not been explicitly defined
    // currently does not work with actions
    defaultTapOnPress : true,

    //passed to new Hammer.Manager(element, options)
    options : {
       domEvents : true
    //passed to the respective recognizer
    tune : {
      tap : { time : 250, threshold : 9 }, //Hammer default is 250 / 2
      press : { time : 251, threshold : 9 }, //Hammer default is 500 / 5
      swipe : { direction : 6, velocity : 0.3, threshold : 25 },
      pan : { direction : 6 },
      pinch : {},
      rotate : {}
    //what default Ember events should be disabled
    events : [
      'click', //not removed, re-aliased to internalClick.  Use cautiously.



Sometimes smaller buttons or critical buttons need a larger capture area than their visible area. You can increase the area that recognizes touch events for a specific button


When using ember-mobiletouch, actions etc. are no longer triggered by clicks, but by taps. This can break some of your apps existing tests.

In test-helper.js you will need to import the Ember.EventDispatcher changes.

import mobileTouchOverrides from 'yourapp/overrides/ember-mobiletouch';

In your tests on actions, you will need to use triggerEvent('#some-selector', 'tap') instead of click('#some-selector')

Important The jQuery events you need to trigger are the Hammer variant, meaning it is entirely lowercase swiperight, panup.


Q: Where did click go? Why not just alias tap/touchStart/touchEnd to click?

A: Aliasing other events to click has unintended results. You can't preventDefault() a tap the same way as a click, and a tap could have been triggered by many varying event conditions. Aliasing other events to click would force all of your click handlers to need to examine the event object to determine what type of event it originated as.

Removing click from eventing has it's own complications. It then becomes necessary to determine what click events to prevent default behavior on. Global handlers to catch clicks on links are error prone because may be an element within the link and not the link itself, but adding a click handler to all views that need to prevent clicks would also introduce complications.

To provide a great gesture API while also addressing these challenges, Mobile Touch uses an cautious cancelling approach while still providing the ability to custom tailor the behavior where necessary.

As of 1.4.3, click is aliased to internalClick, and used to prevent default behavior on clicks on link-tos. Adding .allow-click or .needsclick to a view, link, or button that would otherwise cancel the click will allow the click to pass through. Synthetic clicks are also triggered on tap (not press), and used as a "fastclick" mechanism on links not within Ember's view ecosystem. "fastclick" clicks do not enter Ember's eventing as internalClicks but are instead filtered out when they reach the body.

The rules for whether mobile touch will prevent the default behavior of a click are as follows:

  • it does not have the .allow-click or .needsclick (added as a convenience for those coming from fastclick.js) class


  • it was on or has bubbled to an Ember.linkView
  • (OR) it is button[type!="submit"] or input[type="button"]
  • (OR) it is input[type="submit"] or button[type="submit"] AND does not have the attribute data-ember-action