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The theory of Validating Labelled State transition and Message production systems (VLSMs) enables describing and proving properties of distributed systems executing in the presence of faults. This project contains a formalization of this theory in the Coq proof assistant along with several examples of distributed protocols modeled and verified using VLSMs, including the ELMO (Equivocation-Limited Message Observer) family of message validating protocols and the Paxos protocol for crash-tolerant distributed consensus.


Building instructions

We recommend using opam to install project dependencies. Besides the basic building instructions below, we also provide a more detailed building guide, with special recommendations for Windows users.

To install the project dependencies via opam, do:

opam repo add coq-released
opam install coq.8.18.0 coq-stdpp.1.9.0 coq-itauto coq-equations

To build the project when you have all dependencies installed, do:

git clone
cd vlsm
make   # or make -j <number-of-cores-on-your-machine>


File organization

Source documentation

VLSM tutorials

VLSM application: ELMO

ELMO (Equivocation-Limited Message Observer) is a family of protocols that demonstrates gradual refinement of a specification to make it validating for increasingly more complex constraints.

  • BaseELMO: basic definitions and results related to ELMO.
  • UMO: definition and properties of UMO (Unvalidating Message Observer) components and the UMO protocol.
  • MO: definition and properties of MO (Message Observer) components and the MO protocol.
  • ELMO: definition and properties of ELMO components and the ELMO protocol.

VLSM application: Paxos

Paxos is a protocol for achieving distributed consensus among network nodes in the presence of crash faults and message loss.