Releases: rupor-github/InpxCreator
- Moving to go1.21 with newer dependencies, updating build container
- Making sure libget2 is properly using new stdlib (http client)
- Cleaning CMakeLists, old SQL library is not compatible with newer GLIBC
- Adding cleanup script
- Adding libclean - archive cleanup utility. Presently it rearranges archives removing empty book files, but could be expanded.
Empty books
Improving handling of empty files (uncompressed_size == 0) inside of various archives:
- libmerge will not copy such entries from update archives to library ones.
- lib2inpx will give a proper warning about empty file rather then attempt to parse FB2 and fail.
Using "internal/zip" from up to date go distro "archive/zip" rather then old files from "".
Using go 1.20.4 tool chain.
- Improving UTF-8 BOM handling for collection info in lib2inpx
- Moving to go 1.20, dropping deprecated packages (pkg/errors, ioutils) and updating all dependencies.
- Dropping support for 32 bit Windows build
- Fixing panic in libmerge (when -verbose specified and there is no last archive found)
- Linting libget2
- Switching to go 1.13.1 with modules
Moving build to docker container
Removing glide - use dep instead
go 1.11.1
Removing "new lines" from the language tag - both DB and FB2
Up to this point flibusta SQL dumps were pretty clean - not anymore. Some poor soul managed to stick multi-line values into various fields...
Maintenance (freezing MySQL)
No changes in functionality
Build moved to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - looks like MariaDB 10.1.26 (and MySQL 5.7.17) are the last versions with support for "embedded" MySQL, so program will work until upstream libraries are on old stable versions of MySQL server.
No changes in the functionality, updating MariaDB to 10.1.26 and Go to 1.9
InnoDB warnings in MariaDB
Turn off persistent stats in inno db engine - killing unnecessary warnings
Better processing of mysql.cfg file (allowing for customization) and some Linux file permissions adjustments.