wrapper for Elixir.
defp deps do
{:ch_local, "~> 0.1.0"}
$ curl | sh
$ ./clickhouse install
$ clickhouse-local --version
defaults = [
settings: [],
timeout: :timer.seconds(15)
{:ok, pid} = Ch.Local.start_link(defaults)
{:ok, pid} = Ch.Local.start_link()
{:ok, %Ch.Result{rows: [[0], [1], [2]]}} =
Ch.Local.query(pid, "SELECT * FROM system.numbers LIMIT 3")
{:ok, %Ch.Result{rows: [[0], [1], [2]]}} =
Ch.Local.query(pid, "SELECT * FROM system.numbers LIMIT {$0:UInt8}", [3])
{:ok, %Ch.Result{rows: [[0], [1], [2]]}} =
Ch.Local.query(pid, "SELECT * FROM system.numbers LIMIT {limit:UInt8}", %{"limit" => 3})
{:ok, pid} = Ch.Local.start_link(settings: [path: "./demo"])
# creates ./demo/data/demo dir
Ch.Local.query!(pid, "CREATE DATABASE demo")
# creates ./demo/data/demo/example dir
Ch.Local.query!(pid, "CREATE TABLE demo.example(a UInt64, b String) ENGINE MergeTree ORDER BY a")
# creates ./demo/data/demo/example/all_1_1_0 block
Ch.Local.query!(pid, "INSERT INTO demo.example(a, b) FORMAT RowBinary", [[1, "2"], [3, "4"]], types: ["UInt64", "String"])
# creates ./demo/data/demo/example/all_2_2_0 block
Ch.Local.query!(pid, "INSERT INTO demo.example(b, a) FORMAT RowBinary", [["8", 7], ["6", 5]], types: [:string, :u64])
# merges these two blocks into ./demo/data/demo/example/all_1_2_1
# btw the naming is all_<min>_<max>_<level>
Ch.Local.query!(pid, "OPTIMIZE TABLE demo.example")
# note that OPTIMIZE TABLE is not removing stale blocks -- that's up to you
{:ok, ["detached", "format_version.txt", "all_1_1_0", "all_1_2_1", "all_2_2_0"]} ="./demo/data/demo/example")
{:ok, %Ch.Result{rows: [[1, "2"], [3, "4"], [5, "6"], [7, "8"]]}} =
Ch.Local.query(pid, "SELECT * FROM demo.example ORDER BY a")
Please see Ch for more usage details.