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A debugger to detect and diagnose numerical errors in floating point programs


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FPSanitizer - A debugger to detect and diagnose numerical errors in floating point programs

Building LLVM

  1. Get llvm and clang version 9
  1. Build llvm and clang
  tar -xvf llvm-9.0.0.src.tar.xz
  mv llvm-9.0.0.src/ llvm
  tar -xvf cfe-9.0.0.src.tar.xz
  mv cfe-9.0.0.src clang
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=clang -G "Unix Makefiles" ../llvm
  make -j8

  1. Set env variable LLVM_HOME to the LLVM build directory
  export LLVM_HOME=<path to LLVM build>

Building FPSanitizer

  1. Clone fpsan git repo.
  git clone

  1. Set the environment variable FPSAN_HOME
  export FPSAN_HOME=<path to the FPSan github checkout>

  1. If your compiler does not support C++11 by default, add the following line to $FPSAN_HOME/fpsan-pass/FPSan/CMakefile
  target_compile_feature(FPSanitizer PRIVATE cxx_range_for cxx_auto_type)

otherwise, use the followng line

  target_compile_features(FPSanitizer PRIVATE )

  1. Build the FPSan pass
  cd $FPSAN_HOME/fpsan_pass
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug" ../

  1. Build the FPSan runtime
  cd $FPSAN_HOME/fpsan_runtime

Testing microbenchmarks using fpsanitizer:

One can test the microbenchmarks using fpsanitizer with the following commands:

  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$FPSAN_HOME/fpsan_runtime/obj:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  cd fpsanitizer_test/

This process should take less than 4 minutes. During the execution, the script runs each microbenchmark and reports whether the microbenchmark has (a) NaN computation, (b)catastrophic cancellation, (c) infinity computation, or (d) branch flip. The script also outputs whether this error is correctly found (expected with green letters) or incorrectly found (unexpected with red letters). The script should only report "expected" and not "unexpected."

Finally, when the script terminates, it reports the total number of microbenchmarks, the total number of microbenchmarks that reports each type of error, and whether the numbers are correct or not.

Running case studies using fpsanitizer:

 $ cd case_studies/cordic/cordic_sin
 $ gdb cordic_sin.fp.o

Now our goal is to find a computation of the variable "y" which has more than or equal to 45 bits of error. Place a conditional breakpoint which looks for any floating point operation resulting in the error of 45 bits or more. Since handleReal.cpp is a part of the shared library, type "y" when prompted, and run the program:

    (gdb) break handleReal.cpp:180 if realRes->error >= 45
    (gdb) y
    (gdb) run

Skip the first eight break. This instance computes the value for the variable "z."

    (gdb) continue

Now, call the function "fpsan_trace" which prints the trace of expressions leading up to the computed value:

    (gdb) call fpsan_trace(realRes)

You should be able to see a trace of 8 operations. For each line, the first value tells you the line number of the computation. The second value tells you which operations are executed, the third value shows the line number for first operand, and the fourth value shows the line number for the second operand. The result of reals (mpfr) computation, the result of floating point computation, and the number of bits in error is shown in parenthesis.

You will notice that the first line of trace for an add operation incurs 45 bits of error. You should also be able to track the operands by looking at the line number of the operands and finding the corresponding trace.

Now our goal is to detect the first instance of branch flip. First, remove the exisiting breakpoint and add a breakpoint that detects where branch flip occurs:

    (gdb) clear
    (gdb) break handleReal.cpp:143 if(realRes != computedRes)
    (gdb) continue

At this point, the floating point result of "op1" causes a branch flip. You can look at the trace of "op1" by calling "fpsan_trace":

    (gdb) call fpsan_trace(op1)

You should see a trace of 4 instructions. You will notice that the first line of the trace for a subtraction operation (FSUB) shows that fp computed a negative value whereas mpfr computed a positive value. The prorgram at this point compares op1 < 0. This means that fp computation will incorrectly evaluate op1 < 0.

(4.2) Simpson's Rule (Section 5.2.2)

The source code for simpson's rule can be found in the case studies directory.

    $ cd case_studies/simpson

Compile the program,

    $ make

Run the program simpsons.fp.o. It will take roughly 1 minute. You should observe that the output is 1.8633..E+20. However, the correct result is 1.8840...E20. If you view error.log, there are a number of operations with
more than 45 bits of error.

Run gdb, set break point to line 28 in SimpsonsRule.c, and start the program:

    $ gdb SimpsonsRule.fp.o
    (gdb) break 28
    (gdb) r
    (gdb) break handleReal.cpp:180
    (gdb) y
    (gdb) c

handleReal.cpp:180 is a location in the runtime that explicitly checks whether an operation has more than or equal to 45 bits of error. When gdb breaks, look at the trace of the realRes:

    (gdb) call fpsan_trace(realRes)

You will notice that at this point, the first operation FMUL at line 28 has 45 bits of error. It's operands at line 28 and 27 have error of 26 and 45 bits respectively. FADD at line 27 has two operands- line 25 and 6. Line 6 is a function so we don't have a trace for computations in this function. To diagnose the errors in this function we have to set a breakpoint in this function.

 (gdb) delete
 (gdb) b SimpsonsRule.c:27
 (gdb) b f
 (gdb) b fpsan_check_error_f
 (gdb) call fpsan_trace(realRes)

At this point you can see that multiplication at line 6 causes 27 bits of error. We can investigate how we have got 45 bits of error in FADD at line 25. We want to skip few iterations of the for loop in floatSimpsonsRuleV1F1. To do that follow below steps:

    (gdb) b SimpsonsRule.c:23
    (gdb) r 
    (gdb) c 2000
    (gdb) b fpsan_check_error_f
    (gdb) c
    (gdb) call fpsan_trace(realRes)

This will show error trace for FMUL at line 22 with error of 26 bits. If you continue skipping some iterations and looking at error trace, you will notice that error is being accumulated due to computations with very large values.


A debugger to detect and diagnose numerical errors in floating point programs







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