Feel free to contact me. I am always here ...
I'm a passionate software developer and an enthusiastic frontend developer from India. I thrive on crafting dynamic and visually appealing user experiences. Let's build something amazing together!
- 📫 How to reach me: rajanverma1109@gmail.com
- 💬 Ask me about JAVA, React, JavaScript, Frontend Development
- Programming Languages: Java, JavaScript, SQL, Python, C/C++, HTML, CSS.
- IT Constructs: Data Structures and Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming, DBMS.
- Tools: VS Code, GitHub, MySQL.
- Development: ReactJS, Express, Tailwind CSS.
September 2023
- Explored the potential of WEBRTC technology in remote communication.
- Engineered a unique user identification system that increased user connectivity by 40% and boosted engagement rates by 25% within the first three months of implementation.
- Utilized WEBRTC for secure, real-time communication without additional plugins or applications.
- Efficient implementation and quick client-server connections highlighted the effectiveness of WEBRTC in distance communication.
- Tech stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WebRTC, NodeJS.
March 2022
- The tokenizer utilizes regular expressions (REGEX) for efficient lexical analysis of source code.
- It provides a practical example of how regular expressions can be used to recognize and categorize tokens in source code.
- Tech stack: HTML, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript.
Managerial Head, College Algo Club
August 2022 - September 2023
- Led and managed the College Algorithm Club, a group of passionate students dedicated to enhancing their problem-solving and algorithmic skills.
- Organized and oversaw club meetings, workshops, and events, ensuring a collaborative and engaging learning environment for members.
- Administered club finances meticulously, allocating the annual budget for workshops, events, and equipment procurement, increased resource allocation efficiency by 25%, and ensured zero budget overruns.