PowerShell Solution to ZipStuff
ZipStuff is intended to be used via the compiled PowerShell script which can be found here.
ZipStuff supports the following options:
- Files - Which files to compress. This is a comma seperated list ("c:\users\admin, ..")
- Method - Which compression method to use. Can be Zip or TarGz
- OutFileName - Name of the compressed file to output
- OutFileDir - Directory in which to store the compressed file
- CompressionLevel - Level of compression to use (Lowest 0 - 9 Highest). Defaults to 7.
- ZipPassword - Optional password to encrypt the file with
Restore packages from NuGet and then build the solution. The PowerShell script will be automatically generated and placed in the binary folder.
Thanks to @mattifestation for Out-CompressedDLL.
Thanks to the developers of SharpZipLib