Safe is a tool to store all yours passwords in a local encrypted storage.
The owner uses a passphrase to sign in (sha256 hash). This passphrase combined with a salt given on the application's launching is used to generate a HMAC hash. This hash will be used to sign all the data with AES encryption.
Safe uses the Go Modules coming from the 1.11 version of the language and GTK+3 as GUI.
Since the version 0.2.0, Safe is not anymore a web application but a application powered by GTK+3. Thanks to the gotk3's project for the bindings.
See the installation instructions regarding our OS before going to the next step.
Finally, build and launch it:
$ git clone
$ cd safe/cmd/safe
$ GO111MODULE=on go build
$ ./safe -salt="whatever-you-want-as-salt"
- Local storage using boltDB.
Web view based on local version of Bootstrap v4.1.3 (only CSS) and Vue.js v2.5.17. - Migrate the Vue.js application to a GTK+3 GUI in order to not use a web browser (avoids HTTP, unsafe extension, etc.).
- Historic of password's modifications.
- Notification center with alerts on outdated or low strength password.