A discord bot focused on image manipulation and entertainment. Everything runs on K8s.
Both the bot and server should run fine on local machines, just with environment vars set up. Make sure to set the working directory to a temporary folder to decrease junk files piling up.
First, before deploying anything, add the imgbot namespace for convenience:
Before anything else, apply the main imgbot.yaml file.
kubectl apply -f kube/imgbot.yaml
Now, add bot token and appid as a secret:
kubectl create secret generic imgbot-secret \
--namespace=imgbot \
--from-literal=token='INSERT DISCORD TOKEN' \
--from-literal=appid='INSERT APPID HERE'
Optionally, feel free to add a Tenor API key:
kubectl create secret generic imgbot-secret-tenor \
--namespace=imgbot \
--from-literal=apikey='INSERT TENOR API KEY'
Then, check rollout of both deployments:
kubectl rollout status --namespace=imgbot deployment/imgserver
kubectl rollout status --namespace=imgbot deployment/imgbot
To check if everything is running correctly:
kubectl get pods --namespace=imgbot -o wide
There should be 5 image server instances and 1 bot instance alive.