Story game is a boilerplate and basic game engine for teaching programming by having students create a game using a modified version of the world's first video game genre, a story game (aka text adventures, aka interactive fiction). The easiest way to get started is to fork this repo or the same on
Story games are great to help students create real, type-written code immediately and promotes all the skills eventually required by professionals.
JavaScript is clearly the best first language at this point—especially as presented here because it immediately introduces functions as just another type of value that can be assigned to a constant or variable (first-class functions) or even passed to other functions that return functions themselves (higher-order functions). Old school functions (such as required in Python, Java, C++ and pretty much everything else) do not convey this essential understanding because the syntax lacks the ability to define a new function simply by assigning an anonymous function as a value.
- Add up arrow and down arrow history
- Add information flow history for
- Add support to change voices programmatically
- Add lock that forces to wait for voice to finish before continuing
- Add a modal display window that triggers blur event to
hide the onscreen keyboard (