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Repository files navigation


landing page Statically generated site using a Node.js data ingestion pipeline for consuming markdown and images stored in GitHub. Site also features some sweet, sweet shaders using GLSL and Three.js.

Data Ingestion

data ingestion pipeline

One of the key problems with my old website was that it was cumbersome to maintain. It required a lot of content duplicated from what I was already writing in GitHub, as well as manual image processing steps.

To solve all of this, I wanted to make the new website as automated as possible. Hence the need for a data ingestion pipeline. The pipeline does the following:


  • Given a list of projects (via index.yml), the pipeline will retrieve repository metadata from GitHub such as project languages, topics and archive status
  • This metadata is written back to the index.yml file and in each project markdown file for Nuxt functionality


  • Hero images defined in index.yml are downloaded locally
  • Image transformations are applied
    • Crop image to specified aspect ratio for easier consistency in WebGL
    • Convert to .webp format for SEO purposes


  • Retrieve the main ReadMe file for each project
  • It will then perform a number of post-processing tasks
    • replacing local repository references and
    • adding the metadata retrieved earlier for Nuxt page functionality

Shader Pipeline

Shader pipeline The pipeline used by shaders in this site are fairly simple

  • Images are loaded from Nuxt static content and used to generated Three.js textures.
  • vertex and fragment shader files are loaded using Webpack
  • textures and shader files are combined to create a Three.js shader material which is applied to a plane to be rendered

projects page


Infrastructure pipeline Website is deployed using AWS Amplify, with infrastructure managed using Terraform. Because the site is statically generated, we only need to use an frontend Amplify build for this project.


General site development uses common Nuxt commands (requires Node v16).

# install dependencies
$ yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8000
$ yarn dev

# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start

# generate static project
$ yarn generate

Guides for specific aspects of site development can be found below: