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Ryan Guill edited this page Mar 23, 2012 · 2 revisions

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Archive Detail

The Archive Detail screen has all of the information about an archive, its history both on the current system and any previous system, and allows you to certify the archive.

Archive Info

The top section is archive info - it shows you all of the information entered when the archive was created. You will see the SHA Hash - this is the hash of the archive file itself. There was a hash taken of the file when it was created, but it is checked every time the archive detail page is looked at, and anytime something is done with an archive - download, upload, certify, deploy, etc. If it matches, the hash will be green, if it doesn't it will be red and there will be a large message displayed at the top of the screen. This would tell you if the archive was corrupted in any way, or if the archive had been tampered with for some reason.

You can also click on the application name to do a search for all archives with that same application name, including obsolete archives. This is a good way to look for old versions of an application.

Below the archive info is two buttons, Deploy This Archive and Re-Build this Archive (New Version).

Deploy this Archive

For more information on deploying, see Deploying Archives.

Re-Build this Archive

Re-Building an archive will take you to a screen for the same build directory as the current archive, with files in the current archive pre-selected and only those files selected. It will also populate the form with the same information as the current archive, except for the version number. It will tell you what the previous version was though to make it easy for you to increment in whatever scheme you are using. It also gives you the option to mark the previous version as obsolete.

Archive Certifications

Certifications are secure hashes, that allow users to sign off on an archive. This can be used in your organization to allow different users or groups to pass an archive so it can go to the next phase of deployment, for instance from dev to QA, QA to Staging or Staging to production. There are currently not many business rules written around the certifications, but you can specify that only certain users have the rights to do certain types of certifications.

If you have authority to, you can click the "certify this archive" link which will let you choose the type and optionally provide notes. This will create a hash for that particular user, for that archive, on that system. Only the user that certified an archive can remove the certification.

Certifications are stored in the archive and so will also be seen on any other system the archive is uploaded to.

Archive Files

If you expand the archive files, you can see a listing of all the files in an archive, with their individual hash's. These hashes are used to compare against later on when the files are deployed to make sure that a file was deployed properly.

You can also click on a file to see the code for the file if it is a text file. You can click on a line number to link directly to the line of code.

This can be useful for researching problems with a deployment and to share pointers to code with teammates.

Archive Deployments

If an archive has ever been deployed on any system, you will see information about the deployment here, including the deployment directory, the system, and a link to the backup archive if it was deployed to the current system. Clicking on the backup archive link will take you to the archive detail screen for that archive. Also, if the deployment was for the current system and a backup was taken, you will see a revert button. More on this in a minute.

If it is a local deploymentBy clicking on the link for the deployed on date/time, you will see more information about the deployment, including archive information, and all of the information around the deployment. You can also see all of the files that were deployed. If the file hash and the previous file hash are the same, the file was updated but not modified. If the file hash is different, the file was updated. If there was no previous file hash it was a new file that was deployed.

At the bottom you can see a summary of the files deployed, how many were updated and how many files were added.

Back to the revert button, If you have the authority to deploy, and a backup was taken, and you are on the system the deployment happened on, you can revert the deployment. Cascade will attempt to put the files back to the way they were before the deployment. It will replace any files that previously existed with their previous versions, and remove any files that were added. When you click the button, you will see a listing of what will be done - files that will be updated to their previous state and files that will be removed.

If you have done multiple deployments and you want to revert back multiple steps, revert each deployment backwards but in order. This will ensure that any changes will be reverted and no additional files will be orphaned.

Archive Log

At the bottom of the screen is the archive log, it has all of the actions performed on this archive from any system.

View Raw Manifest

This is mostly for debugging purposes. All information for an archive is stored in an XML file along with the archive, and any time a change is made to an archive it is written to the manifest XML file. This allows you to see a raw dump of the manifest XML file.

Delete Archive

If you know that you no longer need an archive, you can delete it. This cannot be undone. If you had previously downloaded a copy of an archive, you can always re-upload it though.

Mark as Obsolete

This sets a flag that keeps the archive from showing up on the browse archives link by default. This is a good thing to do for previous versions of archives.