Backplane PCB & Software for LoRa Gateways using Onion Omega
#What is this repo for? I'm designing an Lora Gatway Backplane that will use the Onion Omega 2 + as it's brain. However due to the small amount of flash memory on an Onion Omega, all of the software has to be cross compiled.
This reposestory aims to host the pre-compiled versions of the software for Onion Omega 2+.
#Software Contained: *Patched GLIBC *lora_gateway *packet_forwarder
#PCB Contained: The finished PCB will also be stored in this repo and is licensed under OSHW.
#Licenses: The software has it's own licenses found in their folders. The PCB Is released under OSHW, however will be availble to buy from me as the PCB and possibly a kit.
If you get it made yourself elsewhere then donations would be appreciated.
GLIBC Patch included by xueliu,