A secure, terminal based chat program that uses Curve25519 or 4096 bit RSA keys to exchange a 256 bit AES key, which is used for the rest of the chat. AES is done through the Intel AES-NI instructions if they are available (using the code from my AES-Asm project), else, my C++ wrapper. GMP is used for large number arithmetic regarding RSA encryption only. The public and private keys generated are automatically stored to files to be reused. The private key may be encrypted with 256 bit AES using a randomly generated IV and a key derived from a password using libscrypt with a random salt. Random numbers (other than ones concerning RSA) are generated using my Fortuna implementation. More information on that can be found at that project's page. Enjoy top-notch, uber-level secure chats (most often about security, you know it's true :P ).
-dp --disable-public //don't send our static public key at connection
-r --rsa //use RSA instead of Curve25519. Peer must do this as well (note. this effects how keys are loaded, saved)
-h --help //print this dialogue
String Inputs:
-ip --ip-address //specify the ip address (or hostname) to attempt to connect to
-p --proxy //specify the address and port to use as proxy
-o --output //save the keys generated to files
-lk --load-keys //specify files to load public and private keys from
-lp --load-public //specify the file to load the peer's public key from
Integer Inputs:
-bp, --bind-port //the port number to listen on
-pp, --peer-port //the port number to connect to
Input Argument Examples:
-ip //attempt to connect to
-p localhost:9050 //connect through proxy at localhost on port 9050 (tor default port number)
-o newKeys //produce "newKeys.pub" and "newKeys.priv"
-lk Keys //load the keys from the files "Keys.pub" and "Keys.priv"
-lp PeerKey.pub //load the peer's public key from "PeerKey.pub"
-bp 4321 //listen for connections on port 4321