This app allows a user to track their workouts. It allows you to create a new workout as well as continue an existing one. Also, this app saves workout data on a Mongo database.
This app requires you to run npm install to get the various required node modules. Use node server.js in the terminal to run the server and view the app at local host 3000. Also, in order to get the seeded data run npm run seed to seed the data.
The front end was already completed by Trilogy as this app was part of an assignment designed to let us practice writing the back end using a mongo database and to practice using mongoose.
I completed all of the back end code by myself with the help of my professor and tutor of course.
The hardest part of this assingment was the deployment to heroku for me. I ran into some difficulty not realizing that I had some password verifcation issues. Once I resloved those issues, everything worked just fine. Also, learning some of the mongoose methods and syntax took a bit of documentation reading to figure out, but all in all it was a fairly simple process.