This repository contains the code for Learning to Learn by Zeroth-Order Oracle, which extends the learning to learn (L2L) framework to zeroth-order (ZO) optimization.
- Python >= 3.6
- PyTorch >= 1.1.0
- Pillow == 6.1.0
- matplotlib
We include the MNIST attack experiment here.
- Train the UpdateRNN
python --exp_name ZO_attack_mnist --train_task ZOL2L-Attack --gpu_num 0 --train optimizer_attack
- Train the QueryRNN (freeze the UpdateRNN)
python --exp_name VarReduced_ZO_attack_mnist --train_task VarReducedZOL2L-Attack --gpu_num 0 --train optimizer_attack --warm_start_ckpt ./output/ZO_attack_mnist/ckpt_best
By default, first-order method is used to train the zeroth-order optimizer (assume the gradient of the optimizee is
available at training time). You can also add --use_finite_diff
to use the zeroth-order method (approximate the gradient)
to train the optimizer, which needs more computation at training time.
- Test the learned ZO optimizer and compare with baseline ZO optimization algorithms
python --exp_name VarReduced_ZO_attack_mnist --train_task VarReducedZOL2L-Attack --gpu_num 0 --train optimizer_train_optimizee_attack --ckpt_path ckpt_best --save_loss
Adding --save_fig
to the command plots the loss curves of each algorithm for comparison.
The test settings are listed in the tests
dict of the corresponding task in
, which can be modified easily.
New zeroth-order optimization problems and optimizers can be implemented easily on this code base. You can add new
zeroth-order optimization problems to optimizee
similar to optimizee/
, and new zeroth-order optimizers to
similar to nn_optimizer/
title={Learning to Learn by Zeroth-Order Oracle},
author={Yangjun Ruan and Yuanhao Xiong and Sashank Reddi and Sanjiv Kumar and Cho-Jui Hsieh},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},