short for jammed stack ๐คช
- all different tech stack will be added here together
- it is not a project trying to be useful by any means
- journal might contain short stories on them
- ๐ just for fun
- oh and it should allow me to learn old and new tech at least for basics
- the list can grow anytime I feel like it
- and I'm probably being quite ambitious about the listing
- it's ok, it's more like a wishlist
- I don't expect to finish this anyway
- orders are kind of from more likely to less likely but who knows
- macOS
- Alpine Linux
- Ubuntu
- Debian
- make
- earthly
- act
- direnv
- nix
- docker & docker-compose
- k8s
- minikube
- kustomize
- fluxcd
- helm
- crossplane
- terraform
- cdk
- bash
- ash
- webhook
- next.js
- zsh
- fish
- jq
- yq
- C
- Elm
- ReasonML
- Nix
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Java
- Elixir
- Python
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- WebAssembly
- Swift
- Objective-C
- Go
- Perl
- R
- Dart
- Haskell
- Clojure
- Lua
- Ocaml
- Kotlin
- Julia
- Prolog
- Assembly Language
- Nginx
- ExpressJS
- haproxy
- Rails
- NodeJS
- Deno
- Phoenix
- React
- Headless CMS
- JAMstack
- postgresql
- mongodb
- mysql
- cockroachdb
- https
- http(s)
- json-rpc
- websocket
- gRPC
- consul
- vault
- gitlab CI
- etcd
- github actions
- gitpod
- Istio
- prometheus
- grafana
- OhmGraphite