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# of Params - - 57K 21K 665K 2.5K 78.4947M 800K
# of flops - - 2.586G 1.016G 33.413G 0.131G 33.413G 4.559G
# of layers - - 3 3 20 9 134 71
model size - - 0.2291M 0.0851M 2.6588M 0.0100M 313.9790M 0.3201M
Dataset Scale
Set5 x2 x3 x4 33.66/0.9299 30.39/0.8682 28.42/0.8104 36.54/0.9544 32.58/0.9088 30.28/0.8603 36.66/0.9542 32.75/0.9090 30.48/0.8628 - 33.13 30.90 37.53/0.9587 33.66/0.9213 31.35/0.8838 36.66/0.9548 - - 38.11/0.9601 34.65/0.9282 32.46/0.8968
Set14 x2 x3 x4 30.24/0.8688 27.55/0.7742 26.00/0.7027 32.28/0.9056 29.13/0.8188 27.32/0.7491 32.42/0.9063 29.28/0.8209 27.49/0.7503 - 29.49 27.73 33.03/0.9124 29.77/0.8314 28.01/0.7674 32.52/0.9073 - - 33.92/0.9195 30.52/0.8462 28.80/0.7876
B100 x2 x3 x4 29.56/0.8431 27.21/0.7385 25.96/0.6675 31.21/0.8863 29.29/0.7835 26.82/0.7087 31.36/0.8879 28.41/0.7863 26.90/0.7101 - - - 31.90/0.8960 28.82/0.7976 27.29/0.7251 31.32/0.8880 - - 32.32/0.9013 29.25/0.8093 27.71/0.7420
Urban 100 x2 x3 x4 26.88/0.8403 24.46/0.7349 23.14/0.6577 29.20/0.8938 26.03/0.7973 24.32/0.7183 29.50/0.8946 26.24/0.7989 24.52/0.7221 - - - 30.76/0.9140 27.14/0.8279 25.18/0.7524 29.34/0.8943 - - 32.93/0.9351 28.80/0.9653 26.64/0.8033
DIV2K validation x2 x3 x4 31.01/0.9393 28.22/0.8906 26.66/0.8521 32.89/0.9570 29.50/0.9116 27.70/0.8736 33.05/0.9581 29.64/0.9138 27.78/0.8753 - - - 33.66/0.9625 30.09/0.9208 28.17/0.8841 - - - 35.03/0.9695 31.26/0.9340 29.25/0.9017


  1. image classification state of art
  2. erase RELU
  3. bottlenect activation function
  4. 계산량 산정
  5. mul or add culculation
  6. model size
  7. image inference speed
  8. 알려진 모델과 비교
  • bicubic
  • EDSR
  • VDSR
  1. tex를 이용하여 정리


  • Python (Tested with 3.6)
  • PyTorch >= 0.4.0
  • numpy
  • imageio
  • matplotlib
  • tqdm

Recent updates

  • July 22, 2018
    • Thanks for recent commits that contains RDN and RCAN. Please see code/ to train/test those models.
    • Now the dataloader is much stable than the previous version. Please erase DIV2K/bin folder that is created before this commit. Also, please avoid to use --ext bin argument. Our code will automatically pre-decode png images before training. If you do not have enough spaces(~10GB) in your disk, we recommend --ext img(But SLOW!).


Clone this repository into any place you want.

git clone
cd EDSR-PyTorch

Quick start (Demo)

You can test our super-resolution algorithm with your own images. Place your images in test folder. (like test/<your_image>) We support png and jpeg files.

Run the script in code folder. Before you run the demo, please uncomment the appropriate line in that you want to execute.

cd code       # You are now in */EDSR-PyTorch/code

You can find the result images from experiment/test/results folder.

Model Scale File name (.pt) Parameters **PSNR
EDSR 2 EDSR_baseline_x2 1.37 M 34.61 dB
*EDSR_x2 40.7 M 35.03 dB
3 EDSR_baseline_x3 1.55 M 30.92 dB
*EDSR_x3 43.7 M 31.26 dB
4 EDSR_baseline_x4 1.52 M 28.95 dB
*EDSR_x4 43.1 M 29.25 dB
MDSR 2 MDSR_baseline 3.23 M 34.63 dB
*MDSR 7.95 M 34.92 dB
3 MDSR_baseline 30.94 dB
*MDSR 31.22 dB
4 MDSR_baseline 28.97 dB
*MDSR 29.24 dB

*Baseline models are in experiment/model. Please download our final models from here (542MB) **We measured PSNR using DIV2K 0801 ~ 0900, RGB channels, without self-ensemble. (scale + 2) pixels from the image boundary are ignored.

You can evaluate your models with widely-used benchmark datasets:

Set5 - Bevilacqua et al. BMVC 2012,

Set14 - Zeyde et al. LNCS 2010,

B100 - Martin et al. ICCV 2001,

Urban100 - Huang et al. CVPR 2015.

For these datasets, we first convert the result images to YCbCr color space and evaluate PSNR on the Y channel only. You can download benchmark datasets (250MB). Set --dir_data <where_benchmark_folder_located> to evaluate the EDSR and MDSR with the benchmarks.

How to train EDSR and MDSR

We used DIV2K dataset to train our model. Please download it from here (7.1GB).

Unpack the tar file to any place you want. Then, change the dir_data argument in code/ to the place where DIV2K images are located.

We recommend you to pre-process the images before training. This step will decode all png files and save them as binaries. Use --ext sep_reset argument on your first run. You can skip the decoding part and use saved binaries with --ext sep argument.

If you have enough RAM (>= 32GB), you can use --ext bin argument to pack all DIV2K images in one binary file.

You can train EDSR and MDSR by yourself. All scripts are provided in the code/ Note that EDSR (x3, x4) requires pre-trained EDSR (x2). You can ignore this constraint by removing --pre_train <x2 model> argument.

cd code       # You are now in */EDSR-PyTorch/code

Update log

  • Jan 04, 2018

    • Many parts are re-written. You cannot use previous scripts and models directly.
    • Pre-trained MDSR is temporarily disabled.
    • Training details are included.
  • Jan 09, 2018

    • Missing files are included (code/data/
    • Some links are fixed.
  • Jan 16, 2018

    • Memory efficient forward function is implemented.
    • Add --chop_forward argument to your script to enable it.
    • Basically, this function first split a large image to small patches. Those images are merged after super-resolution. I checked this function with 12GB memory, 4000 x 2000 input image in scale 4. (Therefore, the output will be 16000 x 8000.)
  • Feb 21, 2018

    • Fixed the problem when loading pre-trained multi-gpu model.
    • Added pre-trained scale 2 baseline model.
    • This code now only saves the best-performing model by default. For MDSR, 'the best' can be ambiguous. Use --save_models argument to save all the intermediate models.
    • PyTorch 0.3.1 changed their implementation of DataLoader function. Therefore, I also changed my implementation of MSDataLoader. You can find it on feature/dataloader branch.
  • Feb 23, 2018

    • Now PyTorch 0.3.1 is default. Use legacy/0.3.0 branch if you use the old version.

    • With a new code/data/ code, one can easily create new data class for super-resolution.

    • New binary data pack. (Please remove the DIV2K_decoded folder from your dataset if you have.)

    • With --ext bin, this code will automatically generates and saves the binary data pack that corresponds to previous DIV2K_decoded. (This requires huge RAM (~45GB, Swap can be used.), so please be careful.)

    • If you cannot make the binary pack, just use the default setting (--ext img).

    • Fixed a bug that PSNR in the log and PSNR calculated from the saved images does not match.

    • Now saved images have better quality! (PSNR is ~0.1dB higher than the original code.)

    • Added performance comparison between Torch7 model and PyTorch models.

  • Mar 5, 2018

    • All baseline models are uploaded.
    • Now supports half-precision at test time. Use --precision half to enable it. This does not degrade the output images.
  • Mar 11, 2018

    • Fixed some typos in the code and script.
    • Now --ext img is default setting. Although we recommend you to use --ext bin when training, please use --ext img when you use --test_only.
    • Skip_batch operation is implemented. Use --skip_threshold argument to skip the batch that you want to ignore. Although this function is not exactly same with that of Torch7 version, it will work as you expected.
  • Mar 20, 2018

    • Use --ext sep_reset to pre-decode large png files. Those decoded files will be saved to the same directory with DIV2K png files. After the first run, you can use --ext sep to save time.
    • Now supports various benchmark datasets. For example, try --data_test Set5 to test your model on the Set5 images.
    • Changed the behavior of skip_batch.
  • Mar 29, 2018

    • We now provide all models from our paper.
    • We also provide MDSR_baseline_jpeg model that suppresses JPEG artifacts in original low-resolution image. Please use it if you have any trouble.
    • MyImage dataset is changed to Demo dataset. Also, it works more efficient than before.
    • Some codes and script are re-written.
  • Apr 9, 2018

    • VGG and Adversarial loss is implemented based on SRGAN. WGAN and gradient penalty are also implemented, but they are not tested yet.
    • Many codes are refactored. If there exists a bug, please report it.
    • D-DBPN is implemented. Default setting is D-DBPN-L.
  • Apr 26, 2018

    • Compatible with PyTorch 0.4.0
    • Please use the legacy/0.3.1 branch if you are using the old version of PyTorch.
    • Minor bug fixes


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