This release introduces new functionality as well as resolving some
existing problems.
Fix bugs in the per tile plot if zero length sequences are present
Add a count of total bases to the Basic Stats output
Use better sorting of the best contaminant finding
Add a "dup_length" option to specify the length of sequence used
for detecting duplicates -
Made the default duplicate detection length 50bp, regardless of
the length of the library. Previously only sequences over 75bp
were truncated, now the limit applies to everything -
Removed the plot of deduplicated duplication levels from the
duplication plot since it just confused people and everyone ignored
it. -
Fixed a bug in iterating through fast5 files in multiple directories
Fixed a documentation bug in the Duplicate plot
Improved memory handling - default allocation is now 512MB and there
is a --memory option which can increase the allocated memory without
having to play with --threads -
Colours in the per base sequence composition plot have been changed
to be more colourblind friendly -
BAM parsing now uses htsjdk on the back end
Add a --svg option to make the report use SVG graphics instead of
PNG. The zip file will always contain both PNG and SVG versions of
all figures -
Add line numbers to error messages where parsing errors occur
Add an option to delete the zip file if it is uncompressed during
processing (add --delete on top of --extract) -
The default adapters removed the SOLID adapter, but added polyA
and polyG since these can both provide useful information and are
often trimmed from sequences in a similar manner to adapters.