This is the first public release of FreeHTIP, an open source implementation of the HTIP protocol for microcontrollers. It provides both building and parsing HTIP frames.
This software is expected to be used along with FreeRTOS and lwip, although neither of these are hard dependencies and can be removed and/or substituted.
Support for malloc is neccessary.
Currently this impelmentation has been tested with the FRDM-K64F and ESP32 microcontrollers.
Setting up a project for a microcontroller is a platform-specific task; we recommend that you setup a minimal project with networking functionallity using your developer tools and then proceed to use the provided source code as is, modifying any inclusion header file paths.
The file l2agent.c contains a sample implementation of what we expect is to be a typical FreeRTOS task that periodically sends HTIP frames over the network. Furthermore, it contains an example demonstrating how to create an HTIP frame. Feel free to modify these to suit your needs.
The latest source code for this project can be found at the project's GitHub page