A Python implementation of the ANT+ Protocol
The goal of this project is to provide a clean, Python-only implementation of the ANT+ Protocol. Usage of the library should require little to no knowledge of the ANT+ Protocol internals. It should be easy to use, easy to read, and have proper error handling.
This project was born when I decided to completely rewrite the python-ant library from scratch, after not finding a fork that suited my needs. There were so many different forks of the original project, each with their own patches, but not a properly useable one. Because of this, there may be parts of the code which look similar to the python-ant library, as I have their code as a reference.
For the stable version: pip3 install antlib
For the latest clone the repo and do ./setup.py install
under UNIX systems or python setup.py install
on windows (Make sure to use python3)
See usage examples in the demos
If you want to use the serial driver under linux, either run the script as root, or add your user to the dialout
group with:
sudo adduser yourusername dialout
The usb driver has a bug which requires you to replug your ANT+ stick every time you run a demo script. So until we get that fixed, I suggest you stick to the serial driver, which is stable.
The best thing you can do is to create a virtual environment and install this project's dependencies etc.
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate`
pip install -r requirements.txt`
python setup.py install
You also have to add udev rules (otherwise you'll need sudo, which is not the Python from your virtual enironment).
Add a new file 99-ant-usb.rules
in /etc/udev/rules.d
containing the following
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="VID (hex)", ATTRS{idProduct}=="PID (hex)", MODE="0666"
You can find vendor id and product id with lsusb -v
Reload udev rules with udevadm control --reload-rules
It might be helpfull to un- and re-plug the USB ant key as well.
Now start the project with python websocket_aggregator.py