- from sources:
$ go run parse.go path/to/file1 /path/to/file2
$ cat path/to/file | go run parse.go
- binary
$ ./parse-{{ arch }} path/to/file1 /path/to/file2
$ cat path/to/file parse-{{ arch }}
{{ arch }} - 'amd64-linux' and 'arm64' (Mac M1)
amd64-linux binary was compiled on arm64 system with Go cross-compiling option: $ OOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o parse-amd64-linux parse.go
- to build:
$ docker build -t phrase_counter ./
- to run with stdin as input source:
$ cat file.txt | docker run -i phrase_counter
- to run with file(s) as argument(s)
$ docker run phrase_counter "/phrase_counter/samples/file1.txt" "/phrase_counter/samples/fileN.txt"
2 algorithms were considered:
- consequent: parse.go - datasources processed consequently
- concurent: parse-conc.go - datasources processed concurently, then results merged
Serial algorithm is more efficient on large volumes ( ~1000 Moby Dicks). Intermediate results merging takes more than a half of total run time.
- more tests (spent too much time trying to find most effective algorithm)
- make it more user friendly: "--help", arguments check etc
- Unicode support on Linux. Development was done on arm64 and code perfectly works with unicode. There are 3 formatting errors in processing unicode-test.txt file
- NOT BUG: all words with punct. symbols inside without surrounding space(s) are not splitted ie H.M.S, a:b, a-b, don't etc...