ansible configuration for setting up a network file share my raspberry-pi
why not?
If you haven't already, install ansible on your host machine
Edit the vars as required
# nfs/vars/main.yml
# vars file for ./nfs
shared_dir_name: void_drive
usb_drive: /dev/sda1
Edit the inventory
# inventory.ini
Run the playbook
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml
mount the drive to you machine
sudo mount -o vers=4,resvport -t nfs serverip:/mnt/void_drive ~/location/on/your/machine
if for some reason this doesn't seem to work here are somethings to try
Check if the drive is indeed mounted on your rpi or target machine (
df -h
) is your friend ;)- if it's not try mounting it manually
restart nfs
sudo systemctl restart nfs-server
Happy hacking!!