Updated version of this weak password encryption script
Exploit DB REF: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/50130
Author REF: https://deathflash1411.github.io/blog/dvr4-hash-crack
NIST REF: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-25012
The author had stated that they didnt make additional entries for special ASCII characters. I have updated this to include them and provide a password output to make it more user friendly as well as it accepting arguements rather than needing to edit the script to place the password hash.
python3 CVE-2022-25012.py <hash>
python3 CVE-2022-25012.py E1B0BD8F4D7B73573F7EF539A935735753D190839083C165BD8FCA79418DB398F7DF
We set a complex password in the argus DVR user screen
Using other avenues to gain access to the following file: C:\ProgramData\PY_Software\Argus Surveillance DVR\DVRParams.ini
We can see the entry for our user and corresponding password:
We can then run this hash as an arguement (as seen in the usage example)