This is a job portal system that allows job seekers to search for job opportunities based on their qualifications, and job providers to add, edit, and view the jobs they have posted. The system has two types of login: provider and seeker.
- JavaScript
- XAMPP Web Server
To get started with the project, you will need to install XAMPP or a similar web server software that supports PHP and MySQL. Once you have installed XAMPP, follow these steps:
- Clone the project repository into your local web server directory (htdocs in the case of XAMPP).
- Create a Database in your local Server.
- Edit the jobconnection.php file to match your database settings.
- Start your web server and navigate to the project's root directory to begin using the system.
- Login
- Add job postings with qualifications and job titles
- View job postings they have added
- Edit job postings they have added
- Login
- Search for job postings based on qualifications
- View job postings that match their qualifications
- Apply for job postings
- Make sure XAMPP is running properly
- Users Table (for storing users data both job seeker and provider ) (user field can be seeker or provider based on they select on the sign up page)
- Job Details Table
- SignUp Page
- Login Page
- Job Provider Page (Navigated to this page based on who logged in)
- Displaying the Jobs that are created by the provider
- Job Seeker Page
Contributions to the project are welcome. If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to create a pull request or issue on the project's GitHub repository.
- Font Awesome
- ColorLib
- jQuery