To get a Git project into your build:
build.gradle (Project level) or settings.gradle
allprojects { repositories { maven { url '' } } }
build.gradle (Module: app)
dependencies { implementation 'com.github.saadiftkhar:toaster:Tag' }
Pass the paramater by using Named Arguments specially for optional paramters
Toaster.success( context = this, text = "this is success toast", font = R.font.basier_circle // optional )
Toaster.error( context = this, text = "this is error toast", font = R.font.basier_circle // optional )
Toaster.delete( context = this, text = "this is delete toast", font = R.font.basier_circle // optional )
Toaster.warning( context = this, text = "this is warning toast", font = R.font.basier_circle // optional )
- context = this, text = "this is info toast", font = R.font.basier_circle // optional )
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.