θύσιμος is a rare Greek word meaning "worthy of sacrifice." ThusimOS is a toy kernel that I am writing as the final project for COMPSCI377. It is named because I am prepared to sacrifice my grade for doing such a hard project.
The idea behind thusimOS is a hackathon kernel -- ie. it is the result of the question "how much of a kernel can I write in a few days?" I find time to be the only reasonable way to scope a project as vast as a kernel. Otherwise, it's very easy to get lost in the sauce of what a kernel entails: I need better multithreading, a more secure filesystem...
Because I fucking love operating systems and need to write kernels to sustain myself. Modifying someone else's kernel doesn't cut it, and I can't do dumb Greek puns if I fix xv6.
: Contains the ISO and BIN file for the thusimOS binarydocs/
: Function level documentationcross-compiler/
: Script for running the cross-compiler for GCC, GDB, and binutilsos
: OS source filesos/iso
: Contains the files for compiling the ISO compatable w/ GRUBos/kernel
: Kernel source filesos/libc
: Contains my version of libcos/obj
: Contains object files. Maybe I should've gitignored these lol
- OSTEP - Useful for theoretical grounding in UNIX based OS
- OSDev - Good resource for OS development, but the users are annoying Linux bros.
- OSDev Book - Extremely amazing resource for OSdev.