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VM DNS Garbage Collection

This folder contains a Background Function which deletes DNS A records when a VM is deleted.

Please note DNS record deletion is implemented, however, cannot be guaranteed. A race exists between the function obtaining the VM IP address and the compute.instances.delete operation. If the VM is deleted before the IP is obtained, the function will not delete the DNS record because it cannot check the IP address matches the VM being deleted.

In practice this background function collects the IP address well within the ~30 second window of the VM delete operation.

Structured logs enable VM deletions which were not processed because the race was lost. See Lost Race for log filters to identify VM's deleted before cleanup could take place.

Example Log Output

Project Setup

This example has been developed for use with multiple service projects. A centralized logs project is used to host one pubsub topic for all VM deletion events. One deployment of the function implements the event handler.

  • The logs project contains the dns-vm-gc Pub/Sub topic and the dns_vm_gc function deployed as a Background Function.
  • One or more service projects contain VM resources to be deleted.
  • The host project contains a VPC shared with the user project and DNS resource record sets needing to be cleaned up automatically.

Identify the Logs Project

Identify a project to host the vm-deletions Pub/Sub topic and the DNS VM GC Cloud Function. Service projects are configured to export filtered logs into this topic.

If a project does not already exist, create a new project. A suggested name is logs. The rest of this document will use logs-123456 as the project ID for the centralized logs project.

Create the vm-deletions Pub/Sub topic

Service projects export compute.instances.delete events to the vm-deletions topic. The VM DNS GC background function subscribes to this topic and triggers on each event.

Create a topic named vm-deletions in the logs project as per Create a topic.

Configure Log Exports

Configure Log Exports in one or more service projects. Logs are exported to the vm-deletions topic in the logs project.

Stackdriver logs exports are used to convey VM lifecycle events to the DNS VM GC function via Cloud Pub/Sub. A Stackdriver filter is used to limit logs to VM deletion events, reducing data traveling through Pub/Sub.

Configure an export to the vm-deletions topic with the following filter, for example projects/logs-123456/topics/vm-deletions.


This filter results in one event published per VM deletion, a GCE_API_CALL event when the VM deletion is requested.

If additional events are published to the topic, the function triggers, but ignores events which do not match this filter.

Service Account

The Background Function runs with a service account identity. Create a service account named dns-vm-gc in the logs project for this purpose. This example assumes GCP-managed keys.

If you are modifying this example you may download the service account key and run locally as the service account using the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment file. See Providing credentials to your application for details.

Service Account Roles

The Background Function service account requires the following roles.

DNS Admin

Grant the DNS Admin role to the dns-vm-gc service account in the host project. DNS Admin allows the DNS VM GC function to delete DNS records in the host project.

This role may be granted at the Shared VPC project level.

Compute Viewer

Grant the Compute Viewer role to the dns-vm-gc service account. Compute Viewer allows the DNS VM GC function to read the IP address of the VM, necessary to ensure the correct A record is deleted.

This role may be granted at the project, folder or organization level as appropriate.

Logs Writer

Grant the Logs Writer role to the dns-vm-gc service account. Logs Writer is required to write structured event logs to the Reporting Stream.

This role may be granted at the project, folder, or organization level as appropriate. It is recommended to grant the role at the same level the log stream exists at, the logging project by default. See Custom Reporting Destination for more information.


Deploy this function into the logs project to simplify the subscription to the vm-deletions topic.

Environment variables are used to configure the behavior of the function. Update the env.yaml file to reflect the correct VPC Host project and Managed Zone names for your environment. A sample is provided in env.yaml.sample.

# env.yaml
DNS_VM_GC_DNS_PROJECT: my-vpc-host-project
DNS_VM_GC_DNS_ZONES: my-nonprod-private-zone,my-prod-private-zone
gcloud functions deploy dns_vm_gc \
  --retry \
  --runtime=python37 \ \
  --trigger-topic=vm-deletions \

Logging and Reporting

The DNS VM GC function logs into two different locations. Structured Events intended for reporting are sent to a special purpose reporting stream. Plain text logs are sent to the standard Cloud Function logs accessible via gcloud functions logs read.

Reporting Stream

The reporting stream is intended to answer two primary questions:

  1. Which VM deletion events, if any, were not processed?
  2. What records were deleted automatically?

When the function loses the race against the delete operation, the event is not processed and the function reports a detail code of LOST_RACE.

When the function deletes a record automatically, the fully qualified domain name is logged along with a detail code of RR_DELETED for resource record deleted.

Custom Reporting Destination

By default the reporting stream is located at projects/<logs_project>/logs/<function_name>. The reporting stream is configurable by setting the DNS_VM_GC_REPORTING_LOG_STREAM environment variable when deploying the function. For example, to send reporting events to the organization level:

# env.yaml
DNS_VM_GC_DNS_PROJECT: my-vpc-host-project
DNS_VM_GC_DNS_ZONES: my-nonprod-private-zone,my-prod-private-zone
DNS_VM_GC_REPORTING_LOG_STREAM: organizations/000000000000/logs/dns-vm-gc-report

See the logName field of the LogEntry resource for a list of possible report stream destinations.

Reading the Report Logs

Download all structured logs to the report stream produced by the function using:

gcloud functions logs read logName="projects/<logs_project>/logs/<function_name>"

Cloud Function Logs

The function also logs unstructured plain text logs using Cloud Function Logs. Becasue these logs are unstructured, they are less useful than the Report Stream logs for reporting purposes, however, are present to keep all activity associated together with each execution ID of the function.

Note the cloud function logs have an execution_id. This execution ID is not readily available at runtime and therefore absent from the structured report log stream. The function logs a message with the event_id being processed to associate the execution_id with the event_id. This behavior is intended to correlate each execution in the Cloud Function Logs with each report in the Report Stream. The correlation of execution_id to event_id is not necessary for day to day reporting. The correlation is useful for the rare situation of complete end-to-end tracing.


Lost Race

Periodic reporting should be performed to monitor for NOT_PROCESSED results. In the event of a lost race, automatic DNS record deletion is not guaranteed.

The following Stackdriver Advanced Filter identifies when a VM deletion event was not processed automatically:


Deleted Resource Records

All records automatically deleted may be identified with the a filter on the detail code.


Debug Logs

Debug logs are also available, but are not sent by default. To enable, deploy the function with the DEBUG environment variable set to a non-empty string. Note, debug logs generates 2*N log events every time a VM is deleted where N is the number of DNS records across all configured managed zones. For example, deleting 10 VM instances with 1,000 managed DNS records generates 20,000 debug log entries at minimum.

Detail Codes

The following detail codes may be reported to the reporting stream:

Detail Code Description Result
NO_MATCHES No DNS records matched the VM deleted OK
RR_DELETED A DNS record matched and has been deleted OK
VM_NO_IP The function won the race, but the VM has no IP OK
IGNORED_EVENT Trigger event is not a VM delete GCE_API_CALL OK
LOST_RACE The VM was deleted before the IP was determined NOT_PROCESSED

In addition, there are detail codes when DEBUG is turned on indicating the reason why DNS records were not automatically deleted.

Detail Code Reason DNS record not deleted Result
RR_NOT_A_RECORD Resource Record is not an A record OK
RR_NAME_MISMATCH Shortname doesn't match the VM name OK
RR_IP_MISMATCH rrdatas is not one IP matching the VM's IP OK